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. 2024 Feb 23;11(3):76. doi: 10.3390/jcdd11030076

Table 1.

Key studies on different pacing strategies using UHF-ECG.

Study Year Patients No. Pacing Indication Pacing Strategy Studied Main Finding
Jurak et al. [46] 2017 17 CRT BiV-CRT Introducing UHF-ECG technique for identification differences in electrical activation.
Plesinger et al. [51] 2018 949 CRT BiV-CRT LBBB patients with a high baseline UHF-ECG ventricular electrical delay benefited most from CRT.
Curila et al. [56] 2020 46 Bradycardia HBP Both selective and non-selective HBP, but not myocardial pacing, preserve ventricular electrical synchrony as measured using UHF-ECG.
Curila et al. [52] 2021 51 Bradycardia RVP/non-selective HBP/RBBP RV inflow tract pacing produces better ventricular synchrony than other RV pacing locations. Concomitant capture of His bundle or proximal RBB along with adjacent myocardium results in the most synchronous ventricular activation.
Curila et al. [53] 2021 68 Bradycardia LBBP/LVSP LBBP preserves physiological LV depolarization but increases interventricular dyssynchrony. LVSP prolongs LV lateral wall depolarization but preserves interventricular dyssynchrony to the same level as HBP.
Curila et al. [55] 2021 57 Bradycardia LBBP/LVSP In patients with bradycardia, LVSP in close proximity to LBB resulted in better interventricular synchrony than non-selective LBBP and selective LBBP, and did not significantly prolong the depolarization of the left ventricular lateral wall.
Curila et al. [54] 2023 75 Bradycardia HBP/LBBP/RVSP Although anodal LBBP improved ventricular synchrony and the depolarization duration of the septum and RV compared to unipolar non-selective LBBP, the resultant ventricular depolarization was still less physiological than during HBP.
Sussenbek et al. [58] 2021 80 CRT LBBAP-CRT/BiV-CRT Both BiV-CRT and LBBAP significantly reduce ventricular dyssynchrony in CRT patients with LBBB. The left bundle branch area pacing is associated with more physiological ventricular activation.

Abbreviations: HBP = His bundle pacing; RVP = right ventricular pacing; RBBP = right bundle branch pacing; LBBP = left bundle branch pacing; LVSP = left ventricular septal pacing; RVSP = right ventricular septal pacing; LBBAP = left bundle branch area pacing; BiV-CRT = biventricular cardiac resynchronization therapy; RV = right ventricle; RBB = right bundle branch; LV = left ventricle; LBB = left bundle branch; CRT = cardiac resynchronization therapy.