Fig. 4. Multicellular interactions direct the organization of specific CCs within the ventricular wall.
a, MERFISH-identified ventricular cells assembled into nine more refined CCs within the ventricle. b, Heatmap shows the composition of distinct ventricular cells within each ventricle CC. c, MERFISH image of the outlined area in a reveals CC layers and their cell composition. Violin plot shows the ventricular wall depth distributions for distinct ventricular cells within these layers. The centre white dot represents the median, the bold black line represents the interquartile range, and the edges define minima and maxima of the distribution. Dashed lines indicate boundaries for CC layers. d, Chord diagrams reveal the strength of cell–cell signalling interactions received by specific vCMs in the inner-LV, intermediate-LV and outer-LV CCs. The size of the node represents the number of cells for a distinct ventricular cell, and the width of the edge represents the interaction strength between pairs of specific ventricular cells. e, The Venn diagram shows the number of specific and shared CCIs received by vCMs within the inner-LV, intermediate-LV and outer-LV communities. f, Dot plot shows specific signalling interactions between distinct ventricular cells within the intermediate-LV CC. g, Left, spatial map of cells participating in interactions between SEMA3C, SEMA3D, SEMA6A or SEMA6B with PLXNA2 or PLXN4 for the intermediate-LV CC. Right, normalized ventricular wall depth distribution of these cells is shown in the histogram. h, High-resolution spatial cell map of the intermediate-LV CC shows how cells involved in interactions with SEMA3C, SEMA3D, SEMA6A or SEMA6B with PLXNA2 or PLXN4 signalling may be spatially distributed to mediate attracting or repelling interactions. Arrows and arrowheads point to SEMA3C+SEMA3D+ compact vFibro cells and SEMA6A+SEMA6B+ BECs, respectively. Fibro/Epi, fibroblast and epicardial; His/mus. valve leaf., bundle of His and the muscular valve leaflet; Int., Intermediate; Out., Outer. Scale bars, 50 µm (g,h); 250 µm (a).