Table 2.
List of abbreviations with full forms.
Sr. no. | Abbreviations | Full form |
1 | CVLT | California verbal learning test |
2 | WMS-III | Wechsler memory scale—third edition |
3 | WMS-LM | Wechsler memory scale—logical memory |
4 | WMS-ES | Wechsler memory scale—effect size |
5 | VR | Visual reproduction |
6 | COWAT (FAS) | Controlled oral word association test (FAS) |
7 | WCST CS | Wisconsin card sorting test—categories solved |
8 | MMSE | Mini-mental state examination |
9 | PSQI | Pittsburgh sleep quality index |
10 | BAI | Beck anxiety inventory |
11 | BDI | Beck depression inventory |
12 | GOS | Glasgow outcome scale |
13 | NART | National adult reading test |
14 | TMT | Trail making test |
15 | HISC | Hopkins verbal learning test—immediate recall |
16 | GOSE | Glasgow outcome scale—extended |
17 | EOWPVT | Expressive one-word picture vocabulary test |
18 | NMI | Neuropsychological memory index |
19 | WMS-R | Wechsler memory scale—revised |
20 | SMD | Standardized mean difference |