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. 2024 Mar 14;18:1349672. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2024.1349672

Table 2.

List of abbreviations with full forms.

Sr. no. Abbreviations Full form
1 CVLT California verbal learning test
2 WMS-III Wechsler memory scale—third edition
3 WMS-LM Wechsler memory scale—logical memory
4 WMS-ES Wechsler memory scale—effect size
5 VR Visual reproduction
6 COWAT (FAS) Controlled oral word association test (FAS)
7 WCST CS Wisconsin card sorting test—categories solved
8 MMSE Mini-mental state examination
9 PSQI Pittsburgh sleep quality index
10 BAI Beck anxiety inventory
11 BDI Beck depression inventory
12 GOS Glasgow outcome scale
13 NART National adult reading test
14 TMT Trail making test
15 HISC Hopkins verbal learning test—immediate recall
16 GOSE Glasgow outcome scale—extended
17 EOWPVT Expressive one-word picture vocabulary test
18 NMI Neuropsychological memory index
19 WMS-R Wechsler memory scale—revised
20 SMD Standardized mean difference