DVB neurite outgrowth induced using genetic developmental sleep disruption is transient
(A) Schematic of experimental set-up for day 3 imaging of DVB neuron in sleep deprivation mutants, aptf-1 (orange) and npr-1(blue), and L4 vibration sleep deprived males (pink).
(B) Graph showing DVB neurite length and (C) junctions in day 3 males in controls and aptf-1 males.
(D) Day 3 DVB neurite length and (E) junctions in controls and npr-1 males.
(F) Graph of neurite length and (G) number of junctions in day 3 control males and males after application of vibration during L4 to adult molt.
(H) Representative images of day 3 DVB neurons in control, aptf-1, npr-1, and L4 vibrated males. The effect of nrx-1 and nlg-1 mutations on day 3 DVB neurite outgrowth was not tested as there was no difference between sleep deprived and control C. elegans. White asterisk marks PVT neuron (not traced, see64).Number of individual animals is indicated by “n”, p values from two-tailed unpaired t-test shown, error bars represent SEM, scale bar size as labelled.