FIG. 3.
Identification of the MHC restricting element responsible for the recognition of hexon within adenovirus-infected C57BL/6 mice. Spleens from three adenovirus-infected C57BL/6 mice were harvested on day 7, and isolated splenocytes were used as effector cells after 5 days of in vitro restimulation. MHC congenic cells differentiating the K and D alleles within the H-2b locus were used as target cells: C57SV cells (H-2KbDb) (A and B), KD2SV cells (H-2KdDd) (C and D), K5RSV (H-2KbDd) (E and F), and HTGSV (H-2KdDb) (G and H). For the determination of the MHC restricting element for E1-deleted adenovirus, the target cells were infected with ALP-expressing adenovirus (AdALP) or mock infected (negative control) (left panels). Target cells were also infected with recombinant vaccinia virus expressing hexon (VaccHexon) or recombinant vaccinia virus VRG expressing the rabies glycoprotein (negative control) (right panels). These data are from one of the two experiments done. The standard deviations were less than 10%. Spontaneous release values were 10% for C57SV and KD2SV cells and less than 18% for HTGSV and K5RSV cells.