FIG. 1.
Purification of DNA-binding proteins of BmNPV. (A and B) ssDNA cellulose chromatography of nuclear extract from BmNPV-infected BmN cells. The flowthrough (FT) and fractions eluted at the indicated molar concentrations of NaCl were analyzed by SDS–12% PAGE followed by staining with Coomassie brilliant blue (A) or by Western blotting with antiserum to LEF-3 (B). (C) Proteins DBP and LEF-3 after final purification on DEAE-Toyopearl. DBP (0.6 μg) (lane 1) and LEF-3 (0.6 μg) (lane 2) were analyzed by SDS–12% PAGE followed by staining with Coomassie brilliant blue. The migration of molecular size markers (in kilodaltons) is shown in lanes M in panels A and C and on the right side of the blot in panel B. The asterisks show the position of LEF-3 in panel A.