Swelling and electrochemical
behavior of the selected P(ProDOT)s
during the first electrochemical cycle. (a) Contact angles (n ≥ 4) of 0.5 M TBA+PF6–/PC droplets on thin films of the three selected P(ProDOT)s,
revealing that P(OE3)-P(EH) and P(EH) are relatively apolar, while
P(OE3)-P(Me) is polar. (b) Thickness change of swollen P(ProDOT) films
relative to their dry state recorded during passive (solid bars) and
active swelling (dashed bars). The latter values were estimated via
the third overtone frequency shift at films’ maximum doping
potentials, i.e., at 0.8 V for P(OE3)-P(Me) and P(EH) and at 0.5 V
for P(OE3)-P(EH). (c) Extent of quiescent doping, i.e., the potential
interval where oxidation is observed in the cyclic voltammogram without
any associated thickness change, deduced from the electrochemical
quartz-crystal microbalance with dissipation (EQCM-D) data shown in
panels (d–i). (d–f) Cyclic voltammograms (first redox
cycle) were recorded for P(OE3)-P(Me), P(OE3)-P(EH), and P(EH) at
a scan rate of 20 mV/s. A detailed discussion on the different electrochemical
behaviors of the three polymers is found in the Supporting Information (Figures S7–S8). (g–i)
Estimated thickness changes measured during electrochemical cycling
(first cycle) as estimated via the third overtone frequency shifts.
Dotted lines in panels (d–i) indicate the onset potentials
of oxidation, and the dashed lines in panels (g–i) indicate
the onset of active-swelling; arrows in panels (g–i) highlight
the quiescent doping interval (data used in panel c). Taking the first
derivative of the thickness (see Figure S11 in the Supporting Information) assists identifying these critical
potentials; it also helps visualizing the swelling/deswelling behavior
of the three polymers.