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. 2024 Mar 27;15:91. doi: 10.1186/s13287-024-03703-6

Table 3.

Recent preclinical studies on ADSC-based optimization strategies for tendon regeneration

ADSC-based optimization strategies Models Methods Results References
ADSCs ADSCs preconditioned with GDF-6 and PDGF-BB; collagen/alginate gel Rat model of Achilles tendon excision defect Tenogenically differentiated ADSCs with the hydrogel were injected into the defective area Tenogenically differentiated ADSCs enhanced the collagen fiber dispersion range closest to the normal tendon Norelli et al. [147]
ADSCs induced by GDF-5 and PDGF; collagen/alginate gel Rat model of Achilles tendon defect ADSCs pre-treated with hydrogel were injected into the tendon defect area GDF5/PDGF-induced ADSCs promoted tendon repair by improving cellular proliferation, tenogenesis, and vascular infiltration Fitzgerald et al. [142]
Engineered ADSCs ADSC sheets Rat model of chronic rotator cuff tear ADSC sheets were transplanted into the rotator cuff tear area ADSC sheets significantly enhanced the biomechanical properties of the repaired rotator cuff Shin et al. [148]
Engineered ADSCs + Bioscaffolds ADSC sheets (P(LLA-CL)/Silk fibroin nanoyarn scaffolds Rabbit model of patellar tendon defect GDF-5-induced ADSC sheets were seeded on nanoyarn scaffolds and implanted into the patellar tendon defect area GDF-5-induced ADSC sheets stimulated higher expression of tenogenesis-related markers and promoted functional tendon regeneration Chen et al. [28]
Bioscaffolds Fibrin or gelatin methacrylate [GelMA] Rat model of massive rotator cuff tears ADSCs seeded in fibrin or GelMA hydrogel were implanted into the repair site ADSCs combined with fibrin or GelMA hydrogel could decrease bone loss and augment the efficacy of surgical repair Rothrauff et al. [150]
Novel injectable porous gelatin microcryogels (GMs) Rat model of acute Achilles tendon rupture GMs loaded with ADSCs were injected into the gap ADSCs with GMs could effectively improve the macroscopic appearance, histological morphology, and biomechanical properties of the repair tissue Yang et al. [151]
ADSC-Exos Rat model of a massive rotator cuff tear ADSC-Exos were injected into the damaged site ADSC-Exos treatment could prevent atrophy, fatty infiltration, and inflammation and promote myofiber regeneration and the biomechanical properties of the injured rotator cuff Wang et al. [155]
Rabbit model of chronic rotator cuff tear ADSC-Exos were injected into the repair site ADSC-Exos could prevent fatty infiltration, improve biomechanical properties, and promote tendon–bone healing after surgical repair Wang et al. [54]
ADSC-Exos + Bioscaffolds Hydrogel Rat model of rotator cuff injury ADSC-Exos-hydrogel complex was injected in the shoulder after surgical repair ADSC-Exos-hydrogel promoted rotator cuff repair by mediating the differentiation of the tendon-derived stem cells Fu et al. [156]
In situ-forming fibrin gel Rabbit model of partial-thickness rotator cuff tears Local administration of in situ-forming fibrin gel containing ADSC-Exos (ADSC-Exos/fibrin) ADSC-Exos/fibrin significantly prevented tear progression, enhanced the biomechanical properties of the injured tendon, and promoted high-quality tendon healing Wang et al. [157]