Table 4.
Uganda |
PDMC is included in the malaria treatment policy and Integrated Management of Malaria training tools PDMC has been integrated into Global Fund grant application—which has been approved PDMC drug requirements have been quantified Roll out will include VHT training and provision of job aids Sensitization of VHTs and the wider community |
Malawi |
Conducting PDMC implementation studies to optimise delivery strategy Present PDMC results at the next Health Services Delivery TWG for policy adoption Present TWG recommendations to MoH senior management for new policy approval Phased roll out of PDMCC in 10 selected districts with scale up over coming years |
Kenya |
Presentation on PDMC to key stakeholders through the Committee of Experts on case management TWG Formation of sub-group (within the TWG) specifically for PDMC Review of national policy guidelines |
Benin |
Awaiting outputs from formative research Conduct national stakeholder meetings and co-design workshop Evidence from trials—both effectiveness of intervention and delivery system feasibility Local evidence is required to persuade policy makers that PDMC is effective and feasible |