Ct values for virus-specific nucleoprotein RNA from rhesus monkey cells in study of diverse simarteriviruses causing hemorrhagic disease. PBMCs and splenocytes were infected with SHFV at a multiplicity of infection of 0.1 and infected with KRCV-1, PBJV, or SWBV-1 by using volumes equivalent to that of SHFV. Nucleoprotein RNA was measured by using quantitative reverse transcription PCR at different times after inoculation. Dotted lines indicate limit of detection. Numbers in parentheses indicate number of experiments performed for each virus. Error bars indicate SEMs. Ct, cycle threshold; KRCV-1, Kibale red colobus monkey virus 1; PBJV, Pebjah virus; PBMCs, peripheral blood mononuclear cells; SHFV, simian hemorrhagic fever virus; SWBV-1, Southwest baboon virus 1.