A) Cells expressing the indicated construct with and without exposure to white light were fixed and assessed for Aurora B and mCherry localization. Note that to expose the entire coverslip, the light in this experiment is performed on a light box for 10 min, which explains why the difference in intensity between wild-type and mutant versions is not as clear as in
Figure 6 where a microscope was used to excite Cry2 in a controlled manner. Scale bar = 5 μm. (
B) The intensities of Borealin
WT-mCherry-Cry2 and Borealin
Mut-mCherry-Cry2-expressing cells were similar before exposure to light. Intensity measurements of mCherry channel in the nucleus of all cells measured in
Figure 6B before light exposure as a control to show that the differences in intensity of the resulting foci were not a function of the amount of starting Borealin expression. Note the images were acquired with the same imaging conditions. Nuclear mCherry intensity per cell was quantified using ImageJ software, and plotted as a scatter plot. Nucleus: n=2 experiments, m=18 (WT) and m=16 (Mut) cells. The statistical significance was calculated using unpaired, non-parametric t-test, Mann-Whitney test, p-value 0.9192, ns. The lines represent the median and the interquartile range.