Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis comparing the ability of the different diffusions models and quantitative T1map to differentiate between different regions of interest (ROI). The table displays a summary of the full performance (auc, accuracy, sensitivity, specificity) of each model for differentiating ROI between one another and their mean performance across all applications. Abbreviations: area under the curve (auc); periplaque of paramagnetic rim lesion (pPRL+); periplaque of non-paramagnetic rim lesion (pPRL-); periplaque of contrast enhancing lesion (pCEL); Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI); DIstribution of Anisotropic MicrOstructural eNvironments in DWI (DIAMOND); Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI); Microstructure Fingerprinting (MF); Quantitative longitudinal relaxation time (T1).