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. 2024 Mar 18;42:103593. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2024.103593

Table 3.

Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis comparing the ability of the different diffusions models and quantitative T1map to differentiate between different regions of interest (ROI). The table displays a summary of the full performance (auc, accuracy, sensitivity, specificity) of each model for differentiating ROI between one another and their mean performance across all applications. Abbreviations: area under the curve (auc); periplaque of paramagnetic rim lesion (pPRL+); periplaque of non-paramagnetic rim lesion (pPRL-); periplaque of contrast enhancing lesion (pCEL); Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI); DIstribution of Anisotropic MicrOstructural eNvironments in DWI (DIAMOND); Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI); Microstructure Fingerprinting (MF); Quantitative longitudinal relaxation time (T1).

PRL+∼PRL- pPRL+∼pPRL- PRL+∼CEL pPRL+∼pCEL CEL ∼ PRL- pCEL ∼ pPRL- mean variance
DTI auc 0,6922 0,6152 0,735 0,7095 0,7785 0,6349 0,6942 0,003188
accuracy 0,6284 0,6029 0,6141 0,6275 0,7259 0,7168 0,6526
sensitivity 0,5268 0,3576 0,6025 0,6203 0,7368 0,4878 0,5996
specificity 0,7672 0,9286 0,7105 0,6829 0,7241 0,7563 0,7616
DIAMOND auc 0,7302 0,7265 0,7507 0,7329 0,7608 0,7661 0,7445 0,000239
accuracy 0,652 0,6352 0,6875 0,5892 0,7037 0,7986 0,6777
sensitivity 0,5 0,4601 0,6879 0,5687 0,6316 0,575 0,5706
specificity 0,8578 0,8655 0,6842 0,75 0,7155 0,8361 0,7849
NODDI auc 0,8167 0,765 0,8419 0,7369 0,8556 0,7852 0,8002 0,001764
accuracy 0,7468 0,6787 0,7859 0,6919 0,7963 0,681 0,7301
sensitivity 0,7571 0,6139 0,795 0,6994 0,6842 0,8293 0,7298
specificity 0,7328 0,7647 0,7105 0,6341 0,8147 0,6555 0,7187
MF auc 0,7786 0,7126 0,7199 0,7141 0,7955 0,7721 0,7488 0,00116
accuracy 0,6995 0,6047 0,6 0,6891 0,7778 0,7061 0,6795
sensitivity 0,7161 0,4082 0,5868 0,6994 0,7368 0,5854 0,6221
specificity 0,6767 0,8655 0,7105 0,6098 0,7845 0,7269 0,729
T1 auc 0,8422 0,7241 0,7018 0,694 0,7001 0,7403 0,73375 0,002605
accuracy 0,7596 0,6552 0,6535 0,7423 0,7259 0,6918 0,7047
sensitivity 0,7161 0,6013 0,6562 0,7785 0,5789 0,6341 0,6609
specificity 0,819 0,7269 0,6316 0,4634 0,75 0,7017 0,6821