Kinesin-7 CENP-E is essential for kinetochore-microtubule attachment, chromosome alignment, and spindle assembly checkpoint in cell division. (A–C) CENP-E proteins are located at microtubules in prophase and accumulate at the kinetochores in prometaphase. CENP-E plays a key role in kinetochore-microtubule attachment and chromosome alignment during prometaphase and metaphase. (D) CENP-E ablation results in chromosome misalignment, spindle disorganization, and the activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint. (E) In wild-type cells, CENP-E proteins are essential for chromosome alignment, kinetochore-microtubule attachment, and the regulation of spindle assembly checkpoint. In the absence of CENP-E, the chromosomes are mono-oriented and misaligned, which further forms a wait anaphase signal and activates the spindle assembly checkpoint.