Figure 4: Gene enrichment analysis of different expressed genes.
(A) Heatmap depicting differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in positively responding (POS) versus non-responding (NON) groups. Each column represents an individual strain, and each row represents a single gene expression change between the POS and NON groups. The color intensity indicates the level of gene expression, and the expression value is scaled (Z-score). Red indicates higher expression, and blue indicates lower expression. (B) Bar plot depicting gene enrichment analysis of DEGs. The Y-axis shows each significantly enriched KEGG pathway while the X-axis denotes −log10 (adjusted P value). Red bars represent pathways expressed at higher levels in the POS group, while blue bars represent pathways with higher expression levels enriched in the NON group. Point size represents the number of genes in this pathway. (C and D) Similar analyses were also done for POS and NEG groups. The complete list of DEGs with p values can be found in Supplementary File 2.