Variable importance for cohort prediction. To assess the importance of each variable for the random forest model, we plotted a horizontal bar graph, where the relative importance of each variable measured by the Gini index is shown. (A) the Gini index shows the main variables to predict the cohort (Chilean vs North American) in UC patients were related to use of biological therapies, aminosalicylates, inflammatory parameters, duration of disease, and UC extension. On the contrary, (B) shows that in CD patients the main variables were related to the use of therapies, duration of disease, inflammatory parameters, clinical activity score, and localization of the disease. *current_anti_12_23_CD = current use of ant IL-12 and IL-23; Grand_total = Total score SES-CD. CD = Crohn disease, IL = interleukin, SES-CD = simple endoscopic score for Crohn’s disease, UC = ulcerative colitis.