Immunofluorescence assays of in situ-extracted, AD169-infected HF. HF grown on glass coverslips were infected with HCMV AD169 5 days prior to harvesting. Infected cells were untreated (A, C, E, G, and I) or extracted with detergent, DNase, and high salt (B, D, F, H, and J) before fixation with 2.5% paraformaldehyde. Coverslips were then reacted with MAbs specific for IE-1 (A and B), ppUL44 (C and D), MCP (E and F), ppUL69 (G and H), or pp65 (I and J). Antibody binding was detected with FITC-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG antibody and recorded by conventional fluorescence microscopy. Magnification for all frames is ×348.