Fig. 3. Clean LLZO surface obtained by low temperature vacuum annealing.
a Schematic and b real instrument for the operando ambient pressure experiment. c XPS spectra of the LLZO pellet before and after vacuum annealing at room temperature. d The influence of temperature rise on the ratios of O(lattice)/O(CO32-) and C(CO32-)/C(C-C). e In situ mass spectrum results in the temperature range of 160 – 370 °C. CO2 and H2O are simultaneously observed to be the decomposition products at around 300 °C. f The schematic illustration of reaction of xLi2CO3 + Li6.5-2xH2xLa3Zr1.5Ta0.5O12 → Li6.5La3Zr1.5Ta0.5O12 + xH2O + xCO2 at the LLZO surface during the vacuum annealing process.