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. 2014 Nov 1;2014(11):CD011142. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011142.pub2

Schröder 2014.

Trial name or title How effective is a walking training for somatoform disorders? A randomized controlled study
Methods Randomised controlled study
Participants Participants fulfilling as primary diagnosis the criteria of 1 of the 5 somatoform disorders in the DSM‐IV focusing on multiple somatoform symptoms; participants with co‐morbid disorders are eligible; attestation on exclusion of medical causes and physical fitness by a physician; participants with acute suicidality, psychotic symptoms, and who already exercising sufficiently at the beginning of the study (due to expected ceiling effects) will be excluded
Interventions Intervention: walking training based on a walking program by Bös 2006 (see Notes). Participants will be instructed by a qualified coach. The walking training comprises a weekly session of 90 minutes over 12 weeks. The program manual includes a detailed description of each training session. Every session builds on 7 sequences: 1. Introduction, 2. warming‐up, 3. walking, 4. weight and strength training/stretching, 5. relaxation, 6. exchange of experiences, 7. movement‐/health‐related information
Comparator: waiting list
Outcomes All of the following primary and secondary outcomes are assessed at baseline and week 12.
Primary outcomes: Screening for Somatoform Disorders (SOMS‐7T; baseline, week 12); Short Form 36 Questionnaire (SF‐36) ‐ subscale Physical Health; physiological parameters (physical constitution, heart rate variability; Freiburg Questionnaire of Physical Activity
Secondary outcomes: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS‐D); Cognitions About Body and Health (CABAH); Whiteley Index (WI); Short Form 36 Questionnaire (SF‐36) ‐ subscale Mental Health; items healthcare use developed by study authors; body mass index
Weekly assessment in the walking group: Symptom Diary of the SOMS‐7T; Short Form 12 Questionnaire (SF‐12) ‐ subscales Physical and Mental Health; protocol on training frequency
Starting date June 2011
Contact information Prof. Dr. Annette Schröder, University Koblenz‐Landau, Germany: Schroede@uni‐; Dr. Jens Heider, University Koblenz‐Landau, Germany: heider@uni‐
Notes Provided by Maria Kleinstäuber (design paper in German)
Literature: Bös K, Tiemann M, Brehm W, Mommert‐Jauch P. Walking and more ‐ reaching fitness step by step [Walking und mehr ‐ Schritt für Schritt zur Fitness] (2nd ed.). Aachen, Germany: Meyer & Meyer. 2006