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. 2024 Mar 19;15:1303638. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2024.1303638

Table 3.

Effect of PBM on diabetic retinopathy.

Author/Year Model Wave (nm) Light PBM parameters Conclusions
2021 (64)
Wistar rat
Streptozotocin induced
670 Continuous laser 5mW/cm², 90sec, 0.9J/cm²
Frequency: 2 times a week, for 6 weeks
Sites: 2, each eye, directly in eye
Improve structure of inner nuclear layer and retinal pigmented epithelium
↓ anatomical abnormalities
2018 (65)
C57BL/6J mice
Streptozotocin induced
670 Continuous LED 25mW/cm², 240sec, 6J/cm²
Frequency: once a day, for 8 months
Site: 1, back of the animal
↓ degenerescence of retinal capillaries
↓ albumin accumulation in the inner nuclear and in the outer plexiform layers of the retina
Preservation of spatial frequency threshold contrast sensitivity
2015 (66)
C57BL/6J mice
Streptozotocin induced
670 Continuous LED 20mW/cm², 240sec, 5J/cm²
Frequency: once a day, for 10 weeks
Site: Total body
↓ superoxyde in retina
↓ abnormalities induced in leukostasis
No effect on contrast sensitivity
2013 (67)
Lewis rat
Streptozotocin induced
670 Continuous LED 25mW/cm², 240sec, 6J/cm²
Frequency: once a day, for 10 weeks
Site: total body
↓ diabetes induced abnormality of retinal function and abnormalities of electroretinograms
↓ retinal ganglion cell death
Inhibited leukostasis
Shen 2020 (68) Human, n = 21
Pre-Post ITV
670 Continuous LED 25-100-200mW/cm², 90sec, 2.25-9-18J/cm²
Frequency: 12 sessions over 5 weeks
Site: fundus contact lens
↓ central macular thickness (100 and 200>25)
No effect on visual acuity
No adverse event
2017 (69)
Human, n = 10
670 Unknown 45mW/cm², 100sec, 4.5J/cm²
Frequency: 3 consecutive days per week, for 8 weeks
Sites: 2, each eye, directly in eye
↓ central retinal thickness
↑ visual acuity (+ 6 letters)

: PBM in addition to the best standard of care, at the investigator discretion choice, LED, Light emitting diode; Pre-post ITV, Pre-post interventional trial; RCT, Randomized controlled trial.↑, increse; ↓, decrease.