Reliable sensory discrimination must arise from high-fidelity neural representations and accurate communication between brain areas. However, the coding and communication strategies used by neocortex to overcome the substantial variability of neuronal sensory responses remain undetermined1–6. To examine these components of perception, we imaged neuronal activity in 8 neocortical areas concurrently and over 5 days in mice performing a visual discrimination task, yielding longitudinal recordings of >21,000 neurons. Our analyses revealed a sequence of events across neocortex starting from an initial resting state, to early stages of perception, and through formation of a task response. At rest, neocortex had one pattern of functional connections, identified via sets of brain areas that shared activity co-fluctuations7,8. Within ~200 ms after onset of a sensory stimulus, such connections rearranged, with different areas sharing co-fluctuations and task-related information. During this short-lived (~300 ms) state, inter-area transmission of sensory data and the redundancy of sensory encoding both peaked, stemming from a transient increase in correlated fluctuations among task-related neurons. By ~0.5 s after stimulus onset, the visual representation reached a more stable form, whose statistical structure made it robust to the prominent, day-to-day variations in individual cells’ responses. About ~1 s into stimulus presentation, a global fluctuation mode arose that was orthogonal to modes carrying sensory data and that conveyed the mouse’s upcoming response to every cortical area examined. Overall, neocortex supports sensory performance via brief elevations in the redundancy of sensory coding near the start of perception, neural population codes that are robust to cellular variability, and widespread, inter-area fluctuation modes that transmit sensory data and task responses in non-interfering channels.
Given a fixed sensory scene or object, sensory recognition is normally reliable. However, sensory cortical neurons have stochastic responses that vary over timescales from seconds to days1–4,6,9. These variations are often shared between cells and across cortical areas1–6, raising basic questions about how neural populations encode and transfer information reliably despite activity fluctuations over multiple spatiotemporal scales9–11.
Many studies have argued neurons’ shared fluctuations constrain the signaling capacity of cortical coding3,12–14, while perhaps also facilitating the decoding of transmitted messages6,15,16. However, the relationships between shared fluctuations, the redundancy of large-scale neural coding, and the reliability of sensory cortical representations remain poorly understood. Neural populations can show greater long-term coding stability than single cells, but the mechanism for stability and its relationship to shared fluctuations merit further examination17–20.
Human neuroimaging studies usually interpret co-fluctuations across brain areas as denoting functional connections for information transmission8,21. Neuronal recordings have shown inter-area fluctuations can reflect arousal, neuromodulatory levels, or spontaneous movements11,22,23 and might also communicate functional information10. However, whether cortex uses inter-area fluctuations to encode task-related sensory data has not been tested empirically.
To uncover neural coding and inter-area dynamics promoting reliable sensory processing, we recorded neuronal activity across the entire visual cortex in mice performing a visual task. We analyzed thousands of cells, how their visual representations attain coding redundancy and long-term stability, and whether brain areas share information via co-fluctuations.
Imaging neuronal activity across cortex
To study visual processing, we trained head-fixed mice to perform a GO/NO-GO task (Fig. 1a,b; Methods). On each trial, mice viewed a moving grating stimulus (2-s-duration) oriented either horizontally or vertically (respectively termed ‘GO’ and ‘NO-GO’ stimuli). A half-second after the offset of a GO stimulus, the mouse could receive a reward by licking a spout. Incorrect licking after a NO-GO stimulus elicited an aversive air-puff. To minimize motor-related neural activity during stimulus presentation, we trained mice to withhold licking until the response-period (Fig. 1b). Near the end of training and before brain-imaging began, we reduced the grating contrast so mice just surpassed 80% success on both trial-types.
As mice performed the task, we used a macroscope (16 mm2 field-of-view) to image somatic Ca2+ dynamics in neocortical layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons (Fig. 1c,d; Supplementary Video 1). To avoid conflating locomotor-evoked and visual neural signals, we only analyzed trials in which locomotion remained <1 cm·s−1. Each recording spanned nearly all of primary and higher-order visual cortical areas, plus parts of somatosensory, auditory, posterior parietal, motor and retrosplenial cortex. By identifying cells within concatenated datasets, we tracked 21,570 neurons [3597±1082 (±s.d.) in 6 mice that performed 2000±415 trials over 5–7 days; Figs. 1d,2a; Extended Data Figs. 1,2a–d], thereby attaining unprecedented, long-term and concurrent access to neuronal dynamics in multiple cortical areas.
Variability of cellular level coding
Across 8 cortical areas, many cells preferentially responded to one of the two stimuli, with variable time-dependencies across cells and areas (Extended Data Figs. 2e–h, 3a,b). To characterize cellular coding, we examined correctly performed trials and determined the statistical fidelity, , with which one could distinguish the two trial-types based on each cell’s dynamics during the stimulus, delay or response intervals. Notably, ( )2 relates to the Fisher information conveyed about trial-type12–14. In merged datasets across all days, most cells exhibited tuning to trial-type in at least one of the trial periods (16,682 cells with significant tuning; 10,329, 9204 and 11,958 in stimulus, delay and response periods, respectively; P<0.01; permutation test; 710–1,340 trials per mouse; Fig. 2b,c; Extended Data Fig. 2h). Fractions of cells tuned to trial-type were similar across visual areas, but the distributions of varied, especially due to outlier cells with large values (Fig. 2c,d).
Many cells had values and coding properties that changed within individual sessions, even while their Ca2+-traces retained high signal-to-noise ratios and stable event rates (Extended Data Fig. 1i–k). Some cells increased their values while others decreased theirs (Extended Data Fig. 2g,j). These bi-directional changes were balanced in magnitude, could not result from photobleaching, and were unlikely to reflect movement-induced effects, since movement nearly always increases pyramidal cell activity11,23,24.
To assess coding stability, we tested if cells concentrated their coding responses into sub-portions of the ~1 h imaging sessions by computing separately for the two halves of each session. We also analyzed shuffled datasets with random permutations of the trial order. If coding cells concentrate their responses into specific epochs, coding should vary more across half-sessions in real than trial-shuffled data, which indeed was so (Extended Data Fig. 2e), indicative of intra-session coding fluctuations.
Many cells also had variable coding fidelity across days (Extended Data Fig. 2f,h,i). However, as in past work20, only a minority flipped their coding preference (1.7±0.9% of coding cells) and these cells had tiny values (0.13±0.05, mean±s.d.; N=587 cells that flipped preference in 6 mice). Notably, fluctuations were correlated across time-scales; cells with variable intra-day coding were ~4-fold more likely to have variable across-day coding (Extended Data Fig. 2l). The anatomic comingling of cells with greater and lesser stability (Extended Data Fig. 2i) and correlations between short- and long-term fluctuations make it hard to argue coding variability arose from imperceptible changes in image quality or focal plane drift.
Time-invariant decoding strategies
Given the non-stationarities in cellular coding, would an area receiving such variable signals need to continually adjust its readout strategy to optimally extract stimulus information? Ongoing plasticity might enable such adjustments, or, alternatively, neural ensembles might achieve reliability via redundant signaling across multiple cells, information encoded in the correlation structure of neural population activity, or combinations thereof 5,9,14,15,19,25.
To explore, for each brain area we trained optimal linear decoders to distinguish the two types of correctly performed trials based on neural ensemble activity in 100-ms time-bins (Methods). These ‘instantaneous decoders’ accurately determined the trial-type, and, as previously3, had a stable form over the latter 1.5 s of the 2-s stimulus presentation (Fig. 3a,b; Extended Data Fig. 3c,f–h). Given this constancy, for the interval 0.5–2 s after stimulus onset we trained ‘consensus decoders’, whose performance matched or surpassed the instantaneous decoders in most time-bins (Extended Data Fig. 3g). Notably, the form of the consensus decoder was stable over days (Fig. 3c, inset), especially for visual areas (Extended Data Fig. 3i, insets).
This across-day stability led us to train one decoder for each area, plus a separate one for all areas grouped together, which we termed ‘common decoders’ and optimized for the 0.5–2 s interval after stimulus onset using all correct trials from all sessions. Surprisingly, common decoders outperformed decoders optimized for single sessions; instead of yielding a suboptimal compromise between the best decoders for different days, common decoders benefited from training on multiple days’ data (Fig. 3c; Extended Data Fig. 3i). However, the existence of successful common decoders stemmed not just from greater training data, for when we trained them on equally sized datasets as single-day decoders, the two decoder-types performed equivalently (Extended Data Fig. 3l). Although, in principle, common decoders could use stimulus- or choice-related neural activity to discriminate between trial-types, in practice common decoders trained on stimulus-period data only used stimulus information (Extended Data Fig. 3j), implying their stability reflected that of stimulus representations.
To identify a basis for stability, we compared common and single-day decoders using trial-shuffled datasets, in which each cell’s responses were randomly permuted across trials of the same type from the same day (Fig. 3d). Trial-shuffling leaves individual cells’ statistical properties unchanged but eradicates correlated fluctuations between cells. Unlike for real data, common decoders trained on trial-shuffled data performed equivalently or worse than decoders optimized for single days (Fig. 3d). Further, with real datasets, accounting for noise correlations was important for extracting information optimally, as decoders ignoring noise correlations did much poorer, especially for common decoders (Fig. 3e). Altogether, accounting for correlated fluctuations was especially important for constructing decoders that were invariant across days (Extended Data Fig. 3i).
Why was accounting for noise correlations so beneficial to stable decoding performance? Strikingly, in real but not shuffled datasets, day-to-day changes in stimulus-evoked neural responses aligned to the principal eigenvectors of the noise covariance matrix describing trial-to-trial response fluctuations (Fig. 3f; Extended Data Fig. 4a). Mathematical modeling showed that this similarity between fluctuations on distinct time-scales allows common decoders to be naturally resistant to both forms of variability, instead of compromising between structures optimized for single days, and that this ‘dual robustness’ emerges even for simple feedforward networks in which activity fluctuations on different time-scales propagate through the same pathways (Appendix).
To examine how the mouse’s upcoming responses might have affected stimulus encoding, we trained ‘stimulus-only’ and ‘response-only’ consensus decoders that distinguished either the stimulus or the mouse’s upcoming response, with the other factor held fixed. For example, using trials on which mice withheld licking, we trained decoders to identify the stimulus-type. Cells making the largest contributions to stimulus- and response-only decoders were interspersed across cortex (Fig. 3g–j; Extended Data Fig. 4). Stimulus-only decoders attained high accuracy independently of the mouse’s upcoming response (P<0.7; signed-rank test; N=6 mice; Extended Data Figs. 3k,4), suggesting sensory cortex separably encodes stimulus- and choice-related signals. In accord, trial-type decoders for the stimulus period captured stimulus- not response-related information. Further, trial-to-trial variations in stimulus encoding were uncorrelated with the mouse’s responses (Extended Data Figs. 3j,6d), suggesting incorrect responses were not directly related to the quality of visual coding and instead stemmed from other factors.
Notably, response-only decoders attained significant accuracy during stimulus presentation on GO but not NO-GO trials (Extended Data Figs. 3k, 4). Thus, cortex exhibits signals related to the mouse’s decision or lick preparation on GO trials that are absent on NO-GO trials. This may reflect differences in how the brain couples a GO cue to a correct response versus a failure to suppress licking after a NO-GO cue. Prior studies have reported similar asymmetries26,27.
Modulation of visual coding redundancy
Since classic studies of motion perception5,28, neuroscientists have appreciated that neural ensembles with correlated fluctuations encode information redundantly, allowing subsets of cells to convey most of the same information as the full ensemble3,5,12–14,25. However, past work has not directly measured how the redundancy of large-scale neural coding relates to shared fluctuations, especially across brain areas.
We examined 3 inter-related facets of redundancy: resilience to a hypothetical loss of one cell; the number of cells, N0.5, needed to convey 50% of the stimulus-identity information conveyed by all cells; and levels of correlated fluctuations between cell pairs (Fig. 3k–o; Extended Data Fig. 5). Unexpectedly, correlated fluctuations and visual coding redundancy were time-varying throughout stimulus presentation. Both rose within 100 ms and crested ~200 ms after stimulus onset, at which time N0.5 had its minimum value, stimulus coding was most redundant, and correlated fluctuations peaked (Fig. 3k–n). These conditions persisted only ~300 ms; subsequently, correlated fluctuations and redundancy declined and neurons acted more independently. On average across mice, just after stimulus onset N0.5 was ~350 cells, but near stimulation offset N0.5 was ~800 cells (Fig. 3l). Within individual mice, the full range of redundancy (N0.5) variations was a factor of 3.5±0.5 (mean±s.e.m.; N=6 mice).
These changes arose from modulations in task-related neurons. Specifically, correlated fluctuations in similarly tuned stimulus-coding cells rose to a peak ~200 ms after stimulus onset (Fig. 3m). These correlation dynamics had greater amplitudes and distinct kinetics from those of single cell variability, arose within pairs of cells in the same or different areas, and could not be simply explained as due to changes in the activity rates of stimulus-coding cells (Extended Data Fig. 5e–k). Although some cells were modulated by the mouse’s upcoming response (11±3% of stimulus-coding cells; mean±s.e.m.; N=6 mice; P<0.01; permutation test), response-related modulations had slower kinetics than correlated fluctuations, and, at the neural ensemble level, were orthogonal to stimulus representations and did not affect stimulus-coding redundancy (N0.5) (Extended Data Fig. 6c,d). Throughout stimulus presentation, N0.5 varied inversely with correlated noise levels in similarly tuned cell pairs, with the same proportionality in all mice (r=0.9; P<1.4·10−25; Fig. 3o). Thus, the 3.5-fold variations in coding redundancy seen in individual mice reflected roughly comparable variations in correlated noise among task-related neurons. Since correlated fluctuations likely arise from cells’ shared inputs3,29, the invariant proportionality constant likely reflects invariant aspects of murine cortical connectivity. Overall, unlike in studies that assessed widespread noise correlations with lower time-resolution11, during passive viewing3,10,11, or without cellular resolution23, here noise correlations in task-related neurons rose in early phases of perception to more than triple the redundancy of sensory encoding.
We next examined how much of the information, ( )2, provided by our decoders was redundant across brain areas. Decoder outputs proved to be highly correlated between sensory areas; if on one trial stimulus encoding in one area was weaker or stronger than average, this was usually so in other areas (Fig. 4a–c; Extended Data Fig. 6). This interdependence and the resulting coding redundancy across areas had a similar time-dependence as the noise correlations among task-related cells. Within ~200 ms of stimulus onset, decoder score correlations peaked, yielding a ~3-fold redundancy across the brain areas examined (Fig. 4d). This was not just from replication of information within V1, since the full set of cells conveyed almost twice the information as those in V1 (Extended Data Fig. 4b), suggesting higher-order areas receive additional information from outside V1. After attaining their peak values, coding redundancy and decoder score correlations declined for the remainder of visual stimulation. Near stimulus offset, visual representations in different areas were almost mutually independent, consistent with the vanishing correlated noise levels between cell pairs (Figs. 3m,4d). Overall, time-varying co-fluctuations among task-related cells greatly impacted visual processing, leading to several-fold increases in coding resilience (Extended Data Fig. 5i), redundancy and inter-area correlations that peaked soon after stimulus onset.
Communication via inter-area fluctuations
Activity co-fluctuations of cell ensembles are thought to reflect shared connectivity, such as common inputs, or direct interconnections10,30,31. In the absence of sensory stimuli, such fluctuations can reflect an animal’s spontaneous behavior11. During sensory tasks, prior studies examined shared fluctuations across pairs of electrodes32–35 and decoder score correlations across a pair of brain areas36, but the anatomic distributions and time-dependencies of neuronal co-fluctuations across multiple areas and how they relate to task performance remain unexplored10.
To identify co-fluctuating cell ensembles across pairs of areas, we applied canonical correlation analysis (CCA) to mean-subtracted neural activity traces, which represent trial-by-trial activity fluctuations. CCA identifies dimensions of shared activity and paired sets of dynamical or communication modes10 (‘CCA modes’) ranked by their levels of co-varying activity (Extended Data Figs. 7–9; Methods). During visual stimulation the number of CCA modes with significant co-fluctuations varied across different pairs of areas but generally was <20 in our datasets (Extended Data Fig. 7). Inter-area, CCA fluctuation modes comprised ~60% of the total power of all cortical fluctuations, implying a majority of fluctuation power during visual stimulation propagates across cortical regions (Fig. 4e,f).
Given the time-dependence of task-related cells’ correlated fluctuations, we compared the CCA modes arising during visual stimulation to those present just beforehand. Strikingly, by ~200 ms after stimulus onset, CCA modes present in inter-trial intervals had decayed and a new set of modes had activated (Fig. 4g; Extended Data Fig. 8). Thus, inter-area fluctuations in animals nominally at rest11,37 appear distinct from those during an active sensory task.
To characterize the spatial structure of inter-area fluctuations, for each choice of brain area as a source, we quantified the similarity of its CCA modes with each of the 7 other imaged areas. Strikingly, for every source area, the primary communication mode was nearly the same, irrespective of the target, implying there was a global mode of co-fluctuations (Fig. 5a,b). Secondary modes were more localized and shared across subsets of areas. For instance, V1 shared one secondary mode with areas A and S, and another with LV, MV and PPC (Fig. 5a–c). Thus, CCA revealed a hierarchical structure in which each area shared a global fluctuation mode with all other areas, and distinct secondary modes with different sets of areas.
We examined whether co-fluctuation modes carried signals relating to the discrimination task (Fig. 5d,e). About 0.5 s after stimulus onset, activity in the second and higher CCA modes accurately encoded stimulus identity. Up to ~80% of the total information encoded in cortex about stimuli identity was shared between areas in these modes, which conveyed almost nothing about the mouse’s upcoming response (Fig. 5e–f; Extended Data Fig. 9a). Later, ~1 s into stimulus presentation, on GO trials the global co-fluctuation mode encoded the upcoming response but no stimulus information, consistent with our ability to decode upcoming responses on GO but not NO-GO trials. Overall, neocortex uses non-interfering communication channels, viz. orthogonal co-fluctuation modes, to convey stimulus- and response-related signals to distinct sets of areas, in a targeted and global manner, respectively.
By tracking neurons across all visual cortical areas, our study reveals information processing mechanisms that likely underlie reliable sensory performance. Historically, neuroscientists viewed correlated neuronal fluctuations as imposing limits on coding accuracy5,12–14, which our study supports. However, our data also show that accounting for correlated fluctuations facilitates the long-term reliability of neural population activity decoders, because day-to-day variations in population coding strongly correlate with the faster coding variations occurring within individual days. This similarity across time-scales arises even in simple network models and enables decoding strategies that are intrinsically robust to both forms of variability (Appendix). Decoders that neglect correlated fluctuations lack this dual robustness.
Beginning <100 ms and reaching an apex ~200 ms after stimulus onset, task-related neurons across cortex momentarily increase their correlated fluctuations for ~300 ms. Importantly, these rapid dynamics in no way conflict with reports that variability in individual cells’ activity declines after stimulus onset38, a pattern that our data confirm (Extended Data Fig. 5e–g). Moreover, the modulation of shared fluctuations seen here in mice performing a visual task contrasts with findings in untrained mice passively viewing stimuli, during which modulations of shared fluctuations were unapparent in V13. Thus, task performance, long-term training, or both might alter the dynamics of correlated fluctuations19,39.
The stimulus-evoked increase in shared fluctuations among task-related cells boosts the redundancy of cortical representations several-fold within a ~300-ms-interval. The transient, shared fluctuation modes convey a majority (~80%) of sensory information across cortical areas within signaling streams orthogonal to that conveying the animal’s response. Here, information about the mouse’s upcoming response arose in a unique, global mode of fluctuations starting ~0.6 s and peaking ~1 s after stimulus onset. In visual tasks without a delay period, choice-related fluctuations arose sooner after stimulus onset40,41.
In our experiments, the time-interval following the redundancy peak, namely ~0.5–2 s after stimulus onset, was when our stimulus decoders attained a stable form (Fig. 3b). Our analyses of long-term decoder stability used data from this 0.5–2 s interval and showed that common decoders can succeed across days without need for daily adjustments. However, these results carry no implications regarding the long-term stability of stimulus decoders trained on time bins within the 0–0.5 s interval, during which decoder forms were changing too rapidly for us to draw conclusions about long-term stability.
The rise and decay of shared fluctuations seen here after stimulus onset may reflect successive feedforward and feedback phases of information flow across sensory cortical areas42–44. In this view, early sensory cortex uses redundant, inbound sensory data to represent a stimulus’s basic features within the first few hundred milliseconds of its appearance; during later sensory processing, likely involving feedback from higher-order areas, the representations become less redundant and more efficient. This transition, which likely occurs more quickly in primates than mice, may reflect a shift in spiking patterns from those driven initially mainly by incoming sensory signals, arriving via overlapping connections, to those reflecting a rising influence of top-down or recurrent signals propagating through distinct circuitry. This processing shift may help relate local visual features to their global context or task demands42–44.
The time-varying, anatomic patterns of shared fluctuations likely support inter-area communication within distinct sub-networks. Human neuroimaging studies describe a ‘default-mode’ network of areas, whose co-fluctuations typify the brain’s resting state7, and other sets of functionally connected areas that co-fluctuate during performance of specific tasks21. Here, inter-area co-fluctuations during a visual task differed from those during inter-trial intervals, providing cellular-level evidence of task-dependent changes in the brain’s functional connectivity. Bolstering the idea that shared fluctuations sub-serve specific components of animal behavior, information about sensory stimuli and upcoming responses were communicated to distinct groups of areas, in orthogonal fluctuation modes, and with distinct timing. Future work should quantify the extent to which fluctuation modes are task-specific or generalize across tasks with similar components.
It is striking that response-related data was transmitted within a global fluctuation mode that engaged every area examined. Past observations of widespread fluctuations came from animals with no active task to perform10,11 or in which fluctuations reflected spontaneous movements or arousal23. Notably, widespread dissemination of perceptual decisions across brain areas distinguishes some models of conscious perception45, and, when related to reward expectation, is a key element in some models of reinforcement learning46. As past reports suggest brain connectivity might resemble ‘small-world’ networks47,48, we simulated small-world networks with varying connectivity and linear dynamical fluctuations, but they all lacked a global fluctuation mode; however, networks in which a single source broadcasted common signals to multiple areas did exhibit a global mode (Extended Data Fig. 9). Future work should determine whether such a broadcast exists in the mammalian brain, and, if so, in which area or areas it originates.
The Stanford University Administrative Panel on Laboratory Animal Care approved all procedures using animals. For imaging studies of layer 2/3 neocortical pyramidal neurons in live mice, we used 4 male and 2 female triple transgenic GCaMP6f-tTA-dCre (Rasgrf2-2A-dCre; Camk2a-tTA; Ai93) developed by the Allen Institute. Mice were 10–16 weeks old at the time of surgery.
Surgical procedures
To prepare mice for in vivo imaging sessions, we performed surgeries while mice were mounted in a stereotaxic frame under isoflurane anesthesia (1.5–2% isoflurane in O2). To reduce post-operative inflammation and pain, we administered a preoperative dose of carprofen (5 mg/kg; subcutaneous injection into the mouse’s lower back), which we repeated once a day for 3 days following the surgery. We created a cranial window by removing a 5-mm-diameter skull flap (centered at AP −2.5, ML 2.7) over the right cortical area V1 and surrounding cortical tissue. We covered the exposed cortical surface with a 5-mm-diameter glass coverslip (#1 thickness, 64–0700, CS-5R, Warner Instruments) that was attached within a circular steel annulus (1 mm thick, 5 mm outer diameter, 4.5 mm inner diameter, 50415K22, McMaster) and secured to the cranium using ultraviolet-light curable cyanoacrylate glue (Loctite 4305). Using dental acrylic, we cemented a metal head plate to the skull for head-fixation during imaging. In vivo brain imaging studies commenced at least 7 days after surgery.
Retinotopic Mapping
To locate the boundaries of the visual cortical areas, we performed retinotopic mapping of the visual cortex in awake mice using wide-field Ca2+ imaging by adopting a protocol that was used previously for retinotopic mapping by intrinsic signal imaging49–52. As in all subsequent imaging experiments, we held mice atop a 11.4-mm-diameter Styrofoam ball (Plasteel Corp.) using a two-point head holder positioned under the objective lens of our custom-built epi-fluorescence macroscope (see below, Fluorescence Macroscope; Fig. 1a). The styrofoam ball floated on a thin layer of water within a plastic bowl of nearly identical diameter (Critter-Cages), as previously described53.
Mice viewed a visual stimulus comprising a drifting bar (10 deg wide) displayed on a video monitor positioned 13 cm from the left eye. The bar swept across the entire monitor in 14 s at a speed of 7 deg · s−1 and was filled internally with a contrast-reversing checkerboard pattern (0.035 deg−1 spatial frequency; 1.25 Hz temporal frequency of checkerboard reversal). The bar drifted either left, right, up or down on the monitor; each mouse viewed 100 repetitions of this stimulus for each direction of motion. The monitor remained gray for a 2-s-interval between successive stimulus repetitions49,51. Throughout the mapping session, we imaged baseline and evoked neocortical Ca2+ activity using the fluorescence macroscope.
The visual stimulus used for mapping generally evoked retinotopic neural Ca2+ activity across the visual cortex, followed by a strong decline in Ca2+ activity below baseline levels. For each direction of stimulus motion, we computed the trial-averaged video of evoked Ca2+ activity, (a three-dimensional matrix with spatial indices and , and a temporal index ), across all 100 stimulus repetitions, temporally aligned to the moment of stimulus onset. To map positions of the moving bar within the visual field to the corresponding anatomic coordinates within the visual cortical retinotopic maps, we calculated the phase of Ca2+ excitation within the i, jth pixel at each time by approximating with a factorized model of a moving wave for each stimulus direction, so as to minimize the reconstruction error:
Through this factorization we approximated the average movie using a single waveform, , with amplitude, , and phase, , at the i, j th pixel. We determined the values for the matrices, and , and the function, , by using gradient descent to minimize the squared reconstruction error, summed over all pixels and time bins. We spatially smoothed the resulting phase maps using a Gaussian low pass filter (Extended Data Fig. 1).
Based on the smoothed phase maps determined for the vertical and horizontal directions of stimulus motion, we located the boundaries between V1 and the secondary visual areas (the medial visual (MV) and lateral visual (LV) cortical areas)49. We inferred the locations of other cortical areas by aligning the Allen Brain Atlas cortical map54 to the V1 boundaries determined in each mouse. Throughout the paper, for simplicity we refer to the union of the Lateromedial (LM) and Anterolateral (AL) cortical areas as the Lateral Visual (LV), to the union of the Anteromedial (AM) and Posteromedial (PM) areas as the Medial Visual (MV) areas, and to the union of the Rostrolateral (RL) and Anterior (A) areas as Posterior Parietal Cortex (PPC). This grouping of the smaller secondary visual areas reduced to 8 the number of areas used in our subsequent analyses.
Training Procedure and behavior
We trained mice to perform the GO/NO-GO task through successive stages of training (detailed below) that allowed us to gradually increase the complexity of the task performed by the mice while also ensuring that the association between visual stimuli and rewards remained stable. All mice in this study associated a GO stimulus with a horizontal grating orientation. To prevent light from the visual stimuli from entering the fluorescence collection pathway of the microscope, the stimuli used only the blue component of the RGB color model, which was blocked by the fluorescence emission filter. We also placed a color filter (Rosco, 382 Congo Blue) on the monitor screen. The mean luminance from the stimulus at the mouse eye was approximately 5 × 1010 photons mm−2 · s−1, which is more than two orders of magnitude higher than the transition threshold to photopic vision in mice.
In the first stage, we trained water-deprived mice (target weight: 80% of initial body weight) to respond to a 100% contrast single drifting grating stimulus (2 s in duration; 2 Hz temporal frequency; 0.04 deg−1 spatial frequency; located within a 40-deg-wide circle at the center of a video monitor positioned 13 cm from the eye throughout all stages). In the first stage, mice learned that by licking a spout during presentation of the GO stimulus they would immediately receive a drop of 5% sucrose in water (~5 μL per drop). After a few days of training, mice that consistently licked only during GO trials progressed to the next stage of training.
In the second training stage, in addition to the GO stimulus, mice also viewed an orthogonal drifting grating stimulus or NO-GO stimulus. Similarly to the first stage, mice were trained to respond during the grating presentation, but we also included a grace period (1 s) at the onset of the grating stimuli that did not count towards a response. This allowed for some level of compulsive licking. After the grace period, if mice responded during NO-GO stimuli, they received two aversive stimuli: (1) a small air puff (100 ms long) delivered to one eye of the mouse (contralateral eye to the stimulus); (2) simultaneously with the delivery of the air puff, the trial aborted and an 8-s-timeout period occurred, during which the video monitor was held entirely gray at its mean luminance value. During this timeout, any additional lick(s) by the mouse resulted in the delivery of additional air puff(s). Once mice learned to perform the visual discrimination correctly on >75% of trials by licking in response to the GO stimulus and not licking in response to the NO-GO stimulus, training progressed to its next stage.
In the third training stage, we sought to create a separate response window so that rewards would not be provided at the same time as presentation of the visual stimuli. In this stage, mice learned to withhold their licks during stimulus presentation and to wait for a response period that was cued by an auditory tone (3.4 kHz; 100 ms duration). As in the second training stage, if mice licked during the visual stimulus they automatically received an air puff and a timeout (timeout duration was 3 s in the third training stage). Because this training stage was the most challenging for the mice, we gradually increased the duration of the delay period either from session to session, or in 3 sub-blocks within one session, such that each mouse eventually performed the task with a delay of 0.5 s between the stimulus period (2 s duration) and the response period (3 s duration).
On a final day of training, we decreased the contrast of the moving gratings on both the GO and NO-GO trials to between 50 and 12% to increase the proportion of error trials. Mice received only a single day of training on which the visual discrimination task was presented with this reduced level of visual contrast. By the end of training, all mice used for neural Ca2+ imaging studies performed the task with an accuracy of >75% with the low-contrast stimuli, for both GO and NO-GO trials (Extended Data Fig. 1g,h; 83 ± 3% correct trials; mean ± s.e.m.; N = 6 mice). Mice took 21–29 days of training (mean: 25 days; N = 6 mice) to reach the end of the training protocol.
Fluorescence Macroscope
To image neural Ca2+ activity across 11 mouse cortical areas, we designed and built a custom wide-field fluorescence macroscope with a field-of-view spanning 4 mm in diameter (Fig. 1a). For epi-fluorescence illumination we used a light-emitting diode (LED) (Thorlabs M470L2) with an emission spectrum centered in the 440–480 nm range. The imaging pathway comprised an objective lens (Leica, 5.0× Planapo 0.5 NA; 19 mm working distance; anti-reflection coated for 400–1000 nm light; transmission >90% at 520 nm), a tube lens (75 mm focal length; Thorlabs AC508–075-A-ML), a custom fluorescence filter cube (excitation filter: Semrock FF01–466/40–25; dichroic mirror: Semrock FF495-Di03, custom-sized to 35 mm × 50 mm; emission filter: Semrock FF02–525/40, custom-sized to 30 mm × 30 mm), and a scientific-grade CMOS camera (Hamamatsu ORCA-Flash4.0 V2 sCMOS). To control image acquisition, we used HCImage software (Hamamatsu), which communicated with the camera via an Active Silicon Firebird Camera Link Board.
To collect light from the LED, we used a 75-mm-focal length focusing lens (Thorlabs LA1680, Thorlabs) to project convergent rays of excitation light at the back aperture of the microscope objective. We aligned the focusing lens to provide approximately uniform illumination across the field-of-view (5 mm diameter), i.e. close to the regime of Kohler illumination, while also ensuring that the illumination rays were divergent as they entered the brain. The purpose of this illumination strategy was to create more intense illumination within neocortical layer 2/3 and to reduce fluorescence excitation within out-of-focus, deeper cortical layers. To improve the optical resolution at the periphery of the field-of-view, beyond the nominal ~2-mm-diameter field-of-view of the objective lens, we reduced the effective numerical aperture (NA) by placing a 10-mm-diameter iris at the back aperture of the objective lens.
We built the opto-mechanical assembly using a combination of commercially available components (Thorlabs) and custom-designed mechanical parts machined in high-strength 7075 aluminum. The entire macroscope was mounted on a manual vertical translation stage that allowed the user to conveniently adjust the image focus by moving the entire optical pathway of the macroscope while the specimen was held immobile on the vibration-isolation table upon which the macroscope was built.
Image acquisition and preprocessing
We acquired Ca2+ videos of neural activity (20 fps; 2048 × 2048 pixels) on the fluorescence macroscope using 40–160 μW/mm−2 illumination. Custom software written in Matlab (version 2013b) controlled the presentation of the visual stimuli to the mouse, ran the behavioral apparatus via a NI-USB 6008 card, and triggered the start of video capture on the fluorescence macroscope.
After video acquisition, we downsampled each video to 1024 × 1024 pixels and 10 fps. Next, we corrected videos for lateral movements of the brain by using the Turboreg software package for image alignment55. To remove scattered fluorescence and background fluorescence signals from neuropil or neural elements outside the focal plane, we applied a gaussian spatial high-pass filter (σ = 80 μm) and calculated the movie of relative fluorescence changes, , for each imaging session, where F0 is the mean activity of each pixel over the entire session and is the mean subtracted activity of each pixel at time t.
To quantify the slight lateral spatial displacements of the field-of-view between different imaging sessions, we computed the maximum projection image of each session’s , movie over its entire duration (~1 h per session). We used the Matlab ‘imregtform’ function to find the optimal ‘similarity’ transformations (translation, rotation and scaling) between the maximum projection image determined for the first imaging session and each of the other individual sessions. We aligned all Ca2+ movies to the movie from the first session using this same set of transformations. Finally, we concatenated the aligned videos from all sessions and proceeded to extract individual cells and their Ca2+ activity traces (see below; Extended Data Fig. 1).
Cell sorting
We extracted the activity of individual neurons from the concatenated movies via the successive application of principal and independent analyses (PCA/ICA)56. We divided the concatenated, preprocessed Ca2+ video from each mouse (about 1 TB in size) into 16 tiles; each tile comprised 256 × 256 pixels collectively covering about 1 mm × 1 mm in the specimen plane. We ran PCA/ICA in parallel for all 16 tiles on 16 separate computing nodes (20 cores per node; 320 total cores; about 4 TB of RAM (random access memory) for each movie) and thereby identified Ca2+ activity traces and spatial filters for individual neurons. To isolate each cell soma, we thresholded each cell’s spatial filter at 4 s.d. of its noise fluctuations (determined by fitting a gaussian distribution to the negative values of each cell’s spatial filter) and replaced all filter weights below this threshold with zeros. To attain a final set of Ca2+ activity traces, we re-applied the truncated spatial filters to the movie (Extended Data Fig. 1).
To separate the sources of Ca2+ activity that represented individual cells from those that did not, for each mouse we took 3 of the 16 image tiles and we manually identified individual neurons based on both their morphologies and the temporal waveforms of their Ca2+ transients. To identify cells located within the other 13 tiles, we trained 3 different types of binary classifiers (Support Vector Machine (SVM), Linear Generalized Model (LGM) and Neural Network) to perform the classification based on the set of manually identified cells as training data and a set of 12 pre-defined cellular features that characterized a candidate neuron’s morphology (spatial features: eccentricity; diameter; area; orientation; perimeter; and solidity) and Ca2+ activity trace (mean peak amplitude of Ca2+ transients; signal-to-noise ratio between Ca2+ transients and baseline fluctuations; number of Ca2+ transients peaks that were 3 s.d. above baseline fluctuations; number of Ca2+ transients peaks that were 1 s.d. above baseline fluctuations; the difference of the mean decay and mean rise times of the Ca2+ transients, normalized by the sum of these two values; and the FWHM of the average Ca2+ transient) to perform this classification. We used the trained classifiers to identify cells in the 13 remaining tiles based on a majority vote of the 3 classifier outputs. We manually checked that every cell determined by this algorithm indeed met our visual inspection criteria to qualify as a neuron.
Event detection and definition of active cells
Using the fluorescence activity traces for the sources identified as neurons, we created binarized Ca2+ event traces for each cell (100 ms per time bin). To do this, we first subtracted the median level of fluorescence from each trace; we then calculated the s.d. of each cell’s fluorescence fluctuations about baseline by fitting the statistical distribution of the activity trace’s negative values to a gaussian function constrained to have zero mean. To identify individual Ca2+ events, we looked for individual Ca2+ transients with peak amplitudes >4 s.d. above baseline fluctuations. The resulting binarized event traces had entries of ‘1’ between the time at which the fluorescence amplitude of a Ca2+ transient surpassed 4 s.d. and the time at which the fluorescence amplitude started its decline back to baseline levels (Extended Data Fig. 1b). Entries were ‘0’ for all other time bins. To account for slight day-to-day variations in the illumination, optical focal plane, or amplitude of fluorescence fluctuations, we performed these computations separately for each imaging session.
To determine if a cell was active during an individual imaging session, we counted the number of time bins in the session in which the cell’s fluorescence emission was >3 s.d. above baseline fluctuations. We considered the cell to be ‘active’ if this number was >2 times greater than what would be predicted based on a null hypothesis that the fluorescence variations simply reflected gaussian-distributed noise (i.e., the prediction that 0.27% of the time bins per session should have trace values >3 s.d. above baseline fluctuations), (Fig. 2a; Extended Data Fig. 1d).
Assessments of spatial alignment quality
To evaluate the quality of spatial registration between datasets from different imaging sessions, we computed the spatial cross correlation functions between corresponding image patches, (256 μm × 256 μm in size) within the maximum projection images determined from the Ca2+ videos from the first imaging session and one of the subsequent sessions. We determined the slight day-to-day shifts in each patch’s location by finding for each session the displacement value corresponding to the peak amplitude in the cross-correlation function (Extended Data Fig. 2a). By sliding the location of the 256 μm × 256 μm patch used in this computation across the field-of-view, and computing the spatial cross-correlations for each location of the patch, we constructed maps of spatial displacement across the imaging field. These displacement maps revealed that our spatial alignments were almost perfect near the center of the field-of-view (mean displacements <1 pixel), and slightly deteriorated near the corners of the field-of-view (mean displacements ≈1 pixel).
To evaluate how these small imperfections in spatial registration might have affected alignments of cells and their identities across imaging sessions, we determined the displacement of each cell across sessions by examining 256 μm × 256 μm image patches centered on each cell on each day of the experiment and then computing spatial cross-correlation functions as above. We determined each cell’s day-to-day displacements in the datasets by identifying the maxima of these cross-correlations. This analysis showed that 98.5% of cells exhibit ≤ 1 pixel displacement across days (Extended Data Fig. 2b). We calculated each cell’s mean displacement across all imaging sessions and plotted the cumulative distribution of cells’ displacements by pooling the data from all mice (Extended Data Fig. 2c). For each cell, we also measured the distance to the nearest neighboring cell and plotted the cumulative distribution of these values for all mice (Extended Data Fig. 2d). A comparison of these two cumulative distributions revealed only a small overlap (~2%) between them, indicating that slight imperfections in image alignment did not affect registrations of cells’ identities across days.
Analyses of single cell coding
To characterize the extent to which individual neurons responded differentially to the two visual stimuli, we calculated the fidelity, , with which the two stimuli could be distinguished based on a cell’s stimulus-evoked dynamics:
where and are mean values and and are variances of the cell’s evoked Ca2+ dynamics (based on the binarized Ca2+ event traces) in response to GO and NO-GO stimuli. We computed these quantities as trial-averages across either the stimulus, delay or response periods of the correctly performed trials, as specified in the figure captions. To allow evenhanded comparisons between single cell and neural population coding properties, for analyses of single cell stimulus-evoked responses we used the same time interval within the stimulus presentation period, [0.5 s, 2 s] after stimulus onset, that we used to train consensus decoders (see below). We also computed a distribution of values for a set of trial-shuffled datasets, denoted . We created the set of trial-shuffled datasets by performing 1000 random permutations of the GO and NO-GO trial labels. We determined that an individual neuron coded significantly for stimulus identity during the stimulus, delay or response periods if the cell’s value for that period was significantly greater than its values for the same interval (P < 0.01; permutation test; N = 710–1340 trials). All analyses of single cell coding, as well as those of neural ensemble coding and CCA modes were done using only those trials on which the mouse’s locomotor speed remained <1 cm · s−1 throughout the trial.
Decoding neural population activity with optimal linear Fisher decoders
To quantify the information conveyed by neural ensemble dynamics about either the visual stimulus or the mouse’s response, we used partial least squares analysis (PLS) as a supervised method for performing a dimensionality reduction, followed by optimal linear decoding in the space of reduced dimensionality, to determine , the fidelity with which the two stimuli or two responses could be distinguished based on the activity patterns of the neural ensemble. The quantity ( )2 is a discrete analog of the Fisher information conveyed by the neural ensemble about the binary classification57. Recent theoretical and computational work has shown that this approach for determining ( )2 can yield accurate estimates even in the regime in which the number of experimental trials is far less than the number of neurons3.
For all decoding studies, we started by dividing all trials performed by each mouse into two distinct subsets, one used for decoder training and the other for decoder testing, and we represented the neural ensemble activity data in each subset using a three-dimensional tensor. The tensor elements, , denoted the binarized activity of cell on trial at time bin (Extended Data Fig. 3c). To train decoders, we used two different ways to convert these tensors into two-dimensional matrices.
In the first approach, we fixed the value of in the tensor and trained a separate decoder based on the two-dimensional data matrix, , created for each time bin, . We termed these decoders ‘instantaneous decoders’, because they allowed us to study the time-dependent dynamics of neural ensemble representations (Fig. 3a,b; Extended Data Fig. 3f,g). Notably, however, the instantaneous decoders of stimulus identity were largely stationary across the interval [0.5 s, 2 s] after stimulus onset. Based on this finding, we also pursued a second decoding approach that involved what we termed a single ‘consensus decoder’, which was designed to capture the non-dynamical aspects of the neural ensemble stimulus representations across all time bins in the [0.5 s, 2 s] interval.
In this second approach involving the consensus decoder, we took all 15 time bins of 100 ms each within the [0.5 s, 2 s] interval and concatenated the data from these time bins along the trial index dimension, yielding a two-dimensional data matrix, . This matrix contained the data from the same number of cells as used for instantaneous decoding, but the effective number of trials was 15 times larger (Fig. 3c–j; Extended Data Fig. 3g). We used these matrices to train the consensus decoders of either stimulus identity or the mouse’s response.
An important consideration when training optimal linear Fisher decoders of either the instantaneous or consensus type was the fact that Fisher decoders require an estimate of the inverse of the noise covariance matrix of the neural ensemble activity patterns. When the number of recorded neurons surpasses the number of experimental trials, one cannot accurately estimate the individual elements of the noise covariance matrix. However, the principal eigenmodes and eigenvalues of this matrix can be determined accurately with a much smaller number of trials than neurons, which in turn enables accurate decoding and estimation of ( )2 values3.
To achieve these estimates, as in our prior work we first used PLS analysis to perform a supervised linear dimensionality reduction3 by identifying dimensions of the neural population activity in which the amplitude is correlated with the outcome of the binary classification task58,59. The decoding strategy involved retaining a moderate number of these activity dimensions—while discarding the others—and then computing the optimal linear Fisher decoder and its associated value in this space of reduced dimensionality.
To train the optimal linear Fisher decoder for one of the binary classifications (i.e. of either the stimulus identity or the mouse’s response) we split the two-dimensional data matrix, , as determined above, into two subsets, and , corresponding to the pair of conditions to be decoded. Specifically, the conditions and referred either to the two different visual stimuli or the two different possible responses by the mouse. Each row of the matrices and represented the neural activity data on a trial of type or , and each column represented the activity data from an individual neuron across all trials of this type. We randomly sub-sampled (with no replacement) the rows of and to create three distinct equally-sized smaller data matrices, denoted and , which we respectively used for dimensionality reduction, decoder training and decoder testing, such that all the data from any given trial was only used in one of these three matrices. Specifically, we used to find the set of PLS basis vectors, which comprised the columns of a coordinate transformation matrix, . We transformed the training and testing datasets into the coordinate system defined by these PLS basis vectors:
We systematically varied from 1–50 the number of PLS dimensions retained for the decoding analysis; the symbol indicates the vector space of reduced dimensionality. To determine the number of retained dimensions that yielded the highest decoding performance, we evaluated and optimized decoder performances through a cross-validation procedure (Extended Data Fig. 3c). Specifically, in the space of reduced dimensionality, we computed the optimal linear Fisher decoder, , from the training datasets, using the formula
(1) |
where is the average noise covariance matrix and is the vector difference between the trial-averaged responses under conditions and is also termed the ‘diagonal decoder’, namely a linear decoder that accounts for the mean responses under conditions and but not the covariances in these responses. We determined the binary decision boundary for the optimal linear decoder as the hyperplane normal to that bisected . To attain a decoder output or ‘score’ for an individual trial in the experiment, we projected the neural population dynamics from that trial onto and then subtracted where is the mean of and , so the decoder score would have zero mean when averaged across a set of trials with equal numbers of and trials. We determined the binary classification using the sign of the score. Using the testing dataset, we estimated the discriminability of the two trial types, :
(2) |
We repeated this process 100 times using 100 different random sub-samplings of the trials for the construction of the dimensionality reduction dataset, the training dataset and the testing dataset.
To examine the extent to which visual stimulus encoding remained stationary over the course of the experiment, we trained an optimal ‘common decoder’ on the data recorded across all imaging sessions. To create the common decoder, we pooled all the data from each mouse and divided this aggregate set of data as described above into three subsets, to be used for dimensionality reduction, decoder training and decoder testing. Given this division and using the procedures described above, we trained a consensus decoder for the interval [0.5 s, 2 s] after stimulus onset, yielding an across-day common decoder. We additionally assessed the values of ( )2 for this common decoder on the testing datasets from the individual imaging sessions. This analysis revealed that the performance of the common decoder generally slightly surpassed that of decoders trained and tested on data exclusively from one imaging session (Fig. 3c; Extended Data Fig. 3i).
Analysis of error trials to distinguish neural coding of visual stimuli and mouse responses.
On trials on which mice performed the GO/NO-GO task correctly, the visual stimulus and the mouse’s response are perfectly correlated, precluding determinations of whether neural activity during the stimulus presentation is primarily evoked by the stimulus or also influenced by the mouse’s visual decision or information processing related to its upcoming response. To address this issue, we analyzed error trials and trained decoders of neural ensemble activity that were sensitive to only the stimulus or only the animal’s decision, while keeping the other factor fixed.
For example, on GO trials the mouse could either lick (Hit) or not lick (Miss) (Fig. 1b). By training a ‘response decoder’ to discriminate between Hit and Miss trials based on the neural activity during the stimulus presentation period, we estimated the encoded information about the mouse’s upcoming response while it observed the GO stimulus. Because Hit trials were far more common than Miss trials, we randomly subsampled the set of Hit trials to construct unbiased datasets with equal numbers of Miss and Hit trials. Using these datasets, we trained consensus common decoders of neural population activity following the procedures discussed in the prior section above, as there were insufficient numbers of incorrectly performed trials to accurately train instantaneous decoders. Analyses of the visual stimulus period were based on the same interval, [0.5 s, 2 s] after stimulus onset, as that used to construct trial-type decoders. Because the timing of the mouse’s responses differed from trial-to-trial and across trial-types, we sought to retain sensitivity to the time-dependence of coding by evaluating the response decoders’ ( )2 values across the individual time bins of the trial structure. To construct the plots of Extended Data Fig. 3k,4b–g, we identified the time bin of each trial with the maximum ( )2 value and used that ( )2 value when tabulating the results across trials and mice. Our decoding results revealed distinct patterns of neural activity during GO stimulus presentations that were predictive of the mouse’s upcoming response. We also executed an identical decoding analysis using equally sized datasets constructed from the neural activity recorded on NO-GO trials (i.e., Correct Rejection and False Alarm trials). However, in this case we did not find neural activity patterns during stimulus presentation that predicted the mouse’s response (Extended Data Fig. 3k, 4e). Because the response decoders trained on GO and NO-GO trials were constructed using equally sized datasets, the differences in their performances cannot be readily explained as due to a discrepancy in statistical power.
To determine if visual stimulus coding during stimulus presentation might have been affected by the mouse’s upcoming response, we trained and evaluated separate common consensus stimulus decoders for Lick trials (False Alarm and Hit) and No-Lick trials (Correct Rejection and Miss), using the same methods as for response decoders and with equally sized datasets that were constructed via sub-sampling. This analysis yielded no evidence that the quality of stimulus representations was impacted by the mouse’s upcoming response (Extended Data Figs. 3k,4b).
Calculations of information redundancy across cortical areas
To assess the extent to which Fisher information about the stimulus was represented independently across different cortical areas, we examined inter-area correlations in the output scores of the instantaneous neural activity decoders (see above). We quantified these correlations separately for the two types of correctly performed trials and then averaged the resulting correlation coefficients.
The results revealed that fluctuations in neural ensemble activity along the stimulus coding direction were strongly correlated between the different sensory areas just after stimulus onset and then progressively decayed (Fig. 4a–c; Extended Data Fig. 6). If information were represented independently in the different cortical areas, the sum of the information encoded in each of the individual brain areas would equal that encoded in the aggregate of all the brain areas25. Positive correlations in the decoder scores from different brain areas can reflect redundancy (Fig. 4d) such that this equality is not met and there are shared copies of the same information25:
(3) |
Determination of noise correlations among neuron pairs
To measure noise correlations between pairs of similarly tuned neurons, we trained instantaneous population decoders of the stimulus based on the neural activity recorded in each mouse on all trials performed correctly (see above). We selected cells that significantly contributed to each decoder by identifying those cells with decoder weights that deviated >2 s.d. from the mean value across the entire set of cells considered (Fig. 3g–j). We divided the resulting set of cells into 2 groups, based on the sign of the individual cells’ mean-subtracted decoder weights as an indicator of similarity in the cells’ tuning to the visual stimulus. We then computed the noise correlation coefficients characterizing the joint activity fluctuations of pairs of cells around their mean responses. We averaged the values of these coefficients over the two types of correctly performed trials. The time dependence of these correlations closely resembled that of the noise correlations in decoder scores across brain areas (see above).
In our analysis, we did not find substantial noise correlations between cells with dissimilar stimulus tuning or between cells without stimulus tuning. This is in accord with our past findings in untrained mice viewing moving grating stimuli that differed by 60 deg in orientation3, but here, with trained mice actively performing a task involving an orthogonal pair of moving grating stimuli, the differences between the distributions of noise correlation coefficients between cell pairs with similar and dissimilar stimulus tuning were more substantial (Fig. 3m)43,60.
To estimate the time-dependent mean variability, , of individual neuronal responses in each mouse, we computed the variance in the activity level of each cell at time, , relative to stimulus onset, across the set of all correctly performed GO and NO-GO trials. We averaged the results across all cells and both trial types. To compute the time-dependent Fano factor across the set of all neurons (Extended Data Fig. 5e), we divided by , the cells’ mean response at time , averaged over all cells and correctly performed trials. Both and the Fano factor declined after stimulus onset, consistent with previous studies (Extended Data Fig. 5e)38.
Determinations of information saturation in large neural ensembles
Prior theoretical and recent experimental work has shown that the Fisher information encoded in the dynamics of a cortical neural ensemble saturates at large ensemble sizes, due to the existence of eigenvectors of the noise covariance matrix with eigenvalues that grow linearly in the limit of large ensemble size (Extended Data Fig. 5a)3,5,14,25. To characterize this information saturation at each time bin after stimulus onset, we trained instantaneous decoders of the visual stimulus based on the activity of a subset of the neurons recorded in each brain area. We systematically varied the size of this subset and measured the encoded information using the decoder ( )2 values for each ensemble size, as averaged over 100 random selections of neurons for each time bin during which the entire cell population significantly encoded information about the stimulus (P < 0.01; permutation test; N = 710–1340 trials). We normalized the ( )2 values from each time bin to the total information encoded by all neurons during this same time bin.
In accord with recent studies of V13,25, in all the cortical areas examined here the information encoded by a cell ensemble saturated at large ensemble sizes (Extended Data Fig. 5a). Further, just after stimulus onset this saturation occurred at much smaller neural ensembles as compared to later on in the trial. As stimulus presentation proceeded, the functional dependence of ( )2 on ensemble size became more similar to the form observed in trial-shuffled datasets (Fig. 3k; Extended Data Fig. 5b,c).
To estimate the sensitivity of the ensemble neural code to the hypothetical loss of one neuron, we determined the number of neurons whose loss would result in a 10% decrement in the total information encoded by the cell population. We re-scaled the result to express the information loss per cell removed (Extended Data Fig 5h).
Determinations of the similarity between pairs of vector subspaces
To assess the similarity between two -dimensional subspaces (Extended Data Figs. 3e, 5j), we first calculated the matrix , where and are matrices whose orthonormal columns form a basis for each subspace. We then performed a singular value decomposition of and determined the subspace similarity as the mean of the singular values. This calculation yields zero for orthogonal subspaces and one for identical subspaces. Since each singular value is the cosine of a canonical angle between the two subspaces, this measure is equivalent to the mean of the cosines of the canonical angles.
Assessments of how day-to-day drifts in neural encoding relate to trial-to-trial activity fluctuations.
To assess how the day-to-day variations in stimulus-evoked neural responses related to the trial-to-trial variations in these responses within individual imaging sessions, we first rescaled each neuron’s activity trace to have zero mean and unit variance on each day of the experiment. Using these traces, we calculated the noise covariance matrix of the stimulus-evoked neural responses on each day, and we averaged these matrices across the two trial-types. To identify the principle directions of the trial-to-trial activity fluctuations on each day, we performed an eigenvector decomposition of each of the averaged covariance matrices.
To examine how the day-to-day variations in the neural representations related to the trial-to-trial activity fluctuations, we projected the changes between successive days in the mean neural ensemble response on each trial-type onto the eigenvectors of the noise covariance matrix for the first day in each pair of consecutive days. (We obtained similar results if we alternatively chose the eigenvectors from the second day of each pair). We averaged the results over both stimuli and all pairs of consecutive days. As control, we performed the same analysis with trial-shuffled datasets, in which the noise covariance matrix was rendered isotropic by permuting the activity traces of each cell across trials of the same stimulus-type. The results showed that day-to-day drifts in the neural ensemble representations of the stimuli were significantly aligned with the principal directions of the trial-to-trial variations within individual days (Fig. 3f, Extended Data Fig. 4a). We obtained similar results when we projected the day-to-day changes in the visual stimulus tuning curve onto the eigenvectors of the within-day, noise covariance matrix. Please see the Mathematical appendix for a theoretical explanation for how this observation can enable optimal decoders to be robust across days, and also for an explanation of how this alignment between within-day fluctuations and across-day changes in mean neural ensemble responses can arise mechanistically in a simple network model without any fine-tuning.
Effects of correlated noise in a two-layer feedforward network model of visual cortex
To examine how redundant information coding across different neural ensembles is related to correlated fluctuations in activity that reflect neuronal connectivity patterns, we analyzed a two-layer feedforward network model, also discussed in Ref. (3). This network comprises an input layer of ‘sensory neurons’ and an output layer of ‘cortical neurons’, whose activity levels are respectively denoted by the vectors r and s and related by the expression
Here and are zero-mean gaussian-distributed additive noise vectors that represent the stochastic components of the input and output activity levels, denotes the connection matrix between the two layers, and is a non-linear transfer function relating the net input and output levels of activity. We approximate the response to a specific stimulus via a Taylor expansion:
where the prime symbol denotes the first-derivative. Since both and have zero means, the mean output response to this specific stimulus is where is the mean activity evoked in the sensory layer by stimulus . Under these assumptions, the noise covariance matrix between neurons in the cortical layer is:
where is a diagonal matrix whose elements denote the linear gain of each neuron around stimulus , as determined from the function . If all neurons operate at similar gains (assumed to be 1 here for simplicity), and if the noise terms and are uncorrelated between neurons, independent of the stimulus, and have variances, and , that are uniform for all cells in each layer, then:
(4) |
where is the identity matrix. To compute the value for distinguishing between two distinct stimuli using an optimal linear decoder of activity in the output layer, the application of equation (1) above leads to:
(5) |
Our prior analysis of this model3 shows that if we replace in equation (5) by its singular value decomposition (SVD), the minimum number of neurons, , needed on average to extract of the encoded information along each left-singular vector, , of is determined by:
(6) |
where is the square of the th largest singular value of , divided by the total number of cortical neurons. From (4) we can also estimate the average value of the diagonal and non-diagonal elements of the noise covariance matrix:
(7) |
(8) |
where is a mean amplification factor, averaged over the singular vectors of (where is the number of cells in the output layer) and is the mean similarity between the receptive fields of cells in the output layer. Dividing (7) by (8) yields:
(9) |
Finally, substituting (9) into (6) yields:
(10) |
Equation (10) shows how the number of cells in the output layer needed to extract half-maximal information is related to the basic structure of the connectivity matrix, .
Empirical analyses of redundancy and noise covariance in cortical ensembles
To study whether equation (10) held empirically in our datasets, we computed the ratio, , from our recordings of cortical neurons and studied its relationship to . In equation (10), is related to an individual eigenvector of the connectivity matrix, . The value of for an entire neural ensemble will be primarily determined by those eigenvectors of the connectivity matrix that make significant contributions to stimulus coding. Since we do not have direct access to , the connectivity matrix of the mammalian brain, to test equation (10) we estimated the noise properties of neurons that contributed significantly to stimulus coding.
To estimate we computed the noise covariance for each stimulus separately and then averaged the results for both stimuli (GO and NO-GO). We estimated during the stimulus interval separately for each time bin (Fig. 3l; see above for detailed methods). In our experiment, the values and noise correlation coefficients varied over time during the stimulus presentation period. Equation (10) suggests that this time-dependence should be constrained such that there is a linear relationship between and at all time points. To test this, for each time bin we plotted the empirically determined values of (Fig. 3l) against the ratio, , computed across the set of all cells that significantly encoded the stimulus type (see above for how we identified these neurons). The results were strikingly consistent with the linear relationship predicted by equation (10) (Fig. 3o). The slope of the linear relationship was similar for all mice in the experiment, which presumably reflects conserved properties of the anatomical neural connectivity within the murine visual pathways, such as the degree of overlap in nearby cells’ receptive fields and the amplification factors across different stages of visual processing.
Analysis of canonical noise correlations
To examine the structure of correlated activity fluctuations across different cortical areas and their relationships to the representation of information, we used canonical correlation analysis (CCA)61 to study the co-variations of activity fluctuations within pairs of brain areas. For each trial type, we computed the trial-by-trial fluctuations in stimulus-evoked activity by subtracting from each fluorescence Ca2+ trace the mean Ca2+ activity trace, averaged over all trials. We concatenated the traces representing these fluctuations across trials that the mouse performed correctly. For a given pair of brain areas, we represented the dynamics in the two areas with matrices, and . These matrices were and in size, where was the total number of time points after the concatenation, and and were the numbers of cells detected in each brain area. We standardized these zero-mean matrices of fluctuations and by scaling each matrix column to have unit variance.
Following the standard approach in CCA, we identified two sets of loading vectors, and , termed here as CCA modes, each of which was an activity mode within one of the two neural ensembles (i.e. with and elements, respectively). The index denoted the individual modes, which we determined such that the projections of the neural activity fluctuations, and , onto and , were maximally correlated between the two ensembles,
(11) |
subject to the normalization constraint, . Given this normalization condition, the quantity equals the correlation coefficient of the activity modes, and , in the two different brain areas. After finding the first CCA mode , we identified successive modes in an iterative manner. Specifically, for all previously identified CCA modes we removed the CCA fluctuations, and , respectively, from and . We applied equation (11) to the residuals and thereby identified a set of orthonormal fluctuation modes with correlation coefficient values that progressively declined with the index, . To identify the maxima specified by (11), we first randomly initialized the vectors and while constraining them to have unity length. We then found values of and that maximized the objective function in (11) by performing an alternating optimization62.
To create training and validation datasets, we randomly divided the full datasets into two subsets with equal numbers of trials, with all the data from each trial used only in one of the two subsets. We used the first subset to find the top 20 CCA modes for all pairs of cortical areas. We used the second subset of trials to determine the inter-area correlation coefficients of the fluctuations in each of the CCA modes; this revealed significant correlated fluctuations in the test dataset with no signs of overfitting (Extended Data Fig. 7d). We also performed a CCA of trialshuffled datasets. By comparing the correlation coefficients for CCA fluctuations in the real data with those observed across 100 different trial-shuffled datasets, we determined that the correlation coefficients in the real data were significantly larger than expected by chance (P < 0.01; permutation test; N = 710–1340 trials; 525 cells per brain area on average, range: 31–2297 cells; Extended Data Fig. 7a).
We also measured the amplitude of canonical correlations separately for GO and NO-GO trials and found out that, on average, the correlation coefficients had similar values for the two stimulus types (Extended Data Fig. 7d). Thus, for most of our analysis, to simplify visualization of the data we combined the sets of mean-subtracted activity traces for the two stimuli and identified a single set of CCA modes between each pair of brain areas, independent of the stimulus type.
As a control analysis to ensure that the inter-area activity fluctuations we had identified had not artifactually arisen from slight errors in determining the boundaries between brain areas, we performed CCA analysis on a control dataset in which we excluded all cells located <60 μm to the other brain area under consideration. These exclusions did not notably modify the amplitudes of correlated fluctuations or other aspects of our findings (Extended Data Fig. 7e).
To assess how the CCA correlation coefficients varied as a function of time relative to stimulus onset, for each pair of brain areas we projected the neural activity at different time bins onto the CCA modes and computed the correlation coefficient using the validation dataset; this yielded different values of the correlation coefficients for each time bin (Extended Data Fig. 8a). Across most of the visual stimulation period, the CCA fluctuations exhibited significantly greater correlation coefficients in the real than in trial-shuffled datasets (P <0.01, permutation test, N = 710–1340 trials 525 cells per brain area on average, range: 31–2297 cells).
To examine how the brain’s fluctuations modes might change at the onset of visual stimulation, we first used CCA to identify a distinct set of CCA modes of the neural ensemble dynamics during inter-trial intervals (ITI), within the period [−2 s, 0 s] relative to stimulus onset. We then compared these CCA modes to those found within the visual stimulus period, [0 s, 2 s]. To do this, once we had identified CCA modes during visual stimulus presentation using training datasets, we extended the temporal range of the validation datasets to include the [−0.5 s, 0 s] interval. Conversely, once we had identified CCA modes during the ITIs, we extended the temporal range of the validation datasets to include the [0 s, 0.5 s] interval. We found that the correlation coefficient values of the ITI CCA modes declined upon stimulus presentation, whereas those for the stimulus period CCA modes sharply increased shortly after stimulus onset (Extended Data Fig. 8a). For each CCA mode index, i, we also compared the directions of the mode vectors within the neural population activity vector space for the two different sets of CCA results, by determining the cosines of the angles between the i’th CCA mode vectors from before versus after visual stimulus onset (Extended Data Fig. 8b).
For comparison, we trained CCA modes using the data from the entire [−2 s, 2 s] interval, subsampled so that the training datasets were equally sized to those used to train the ITI and stimulus CCA modes from the [−2 s, 0 s] and [0 s, 2 s] intervals, respectively. At stimulus onset, many of these CCA modes exhibited either a rise or a decline in their canonical correlation coefficients, consistent with the results obtained when we trained CCA modes separately for the [−2 s, 0 s] and [0 s, 2 s] intervals. However, the values of the canonical correlation coefficients for the modes trained for the [−2 s, 2 s] interval were generally less than those of the CCA modes trained separately for the stimulus presentation and ITI presentations, suggesting that the implicit assumption in CCA of statistical stationarity does not hold at stimulus onset and that there is a bona fide transition in the noise correlation structure of cortical activity at stimulus onset.
Simulations of multi-area neural fluctuations
To study how neural connectivity can give rise to CCA modes that share information between brain areas, we modeled the linear network schematized in Extended Data Fig. 9f with Nc = 500 cells in each of one ‘early visual area’ and three ‘cortical areas’ (termed and ). Neural activity in the early visual area, , were set by
where and were 500-dimensional unit vectors (with fixed values in each simulation) representing input patterns of neural ensemble activity encoding the stimulus and the mouse’s response, respectively, and and were binary variables with values of either −1 or 1 that represented the two stimulus and response conditions. was a linear low-rank projection matrix from the space of the decision variable to that of the neural activity levels; we systematically varied the rank, , of this matrix from 1–10 across multiple runs of the simulation. Specifically, was the outer product of two matrices in which all the elements were randomly and independently chosen from a zero-mean unit variance gaussian distribution, and each column of these two matrices was normalized to have an L2-norm of 1. was an additive noise vector in which the individual elements were independently drawn from identical zero-mean gaussian distributions with variance . The neural dynamics in areas and differed in that, instead of directly receiving stimulus information, they received it indirectly via a low-rank linear projection from area . For example, activity levels in area were set by
where and are linear low-rank projection matrices; analogous equations governed the dynamics for areas and . As with , the elements of the additive noise terms, and were independently drawn from identical zero-mean gaussian distributions with variance . We systematically varied the ranks of the matrices and to have values between ; for each of the 10 different values of , we repeated the simulations 25 times with different sets of randomly chosen matrix elements and different randomly chosen values for and . We simulated each of the 250 models for 20,000 trials; on each trial, we chose the stimulus and decision variables, and , randomly and independently of each other. We used the methods described above to find the CCA modes of each model (Extended Data Fig. 9g–i).
Simulations of small-world networks
As shown in Extended Data Fig. 9f,g, global transmission of a common decision signal to multiple cortical areas can produce a global CCA mode that is shared among all pairs of cortical areas, similar to what we found in the real neural recordings. To explore whether a global CCA mode can also arise in the absence of a globally transmitted signal, we modeled networks with 11 brain areas that were interconnected according to a small-world connectivity rule63, with unidirectional connections30,64,65 (Extended Data Fig. 9b).
We simulated 30 different networks with varying degrees of interconnectivity and varying levels of randomness and regularity in the pattern of connections. For each network, we set the graph of connections by arranging the 11 brain areas in a ring formation. We then created unidirectional projections to each brain area from its nearest neighbors on the ring (i.e., from neighboring areas on both sides of each brain area). To introduce randomness into the connectivity pattern, the brain areas sending each of these unidirectional projections were then randomly re-assigned with probability, , to a different brain area that was randomly selected with uniform probability from among those areas that had originally lacked such a projection.
Within each area there were 500 neurons, whose activity levels were a linear function of the neural activity in the brain areas from which they received inputs:
Here is a vector of 500 elements that represent the activity of the 500 cells in the ‘th brain area at time is an additive noise term for the th area, in which the individual elements at time were independently drawn from identical zero-mean gaussian distributions with a variance of is a 500 -rank projection matrix from area to area , in which all the elements were chosen randomly and independently from a zero-mean unit variance gaussian distribution; all the columns of were normalized to have an L2 norm of if and only if there was an edge from node to node in the small-world graph; otherwise . The parameters and were gain factors; their relative amplitudes determined the degree of coupling between areas.
In general, , because increasing the value of too close to 1 can cause the whole network to enter a global oscillation mode with a period of 2 cycles. With further increases of 1, the network becomes unstable. Therefore, we selected so as to provide strong coupling between brain areas while avoiding the fast global oscillatory mode. We simulated this linear system for all possible combinations of and . To reproduce CCA modes with similar correlation coefficients to those we had observed in the real cortical recordings, we set and . For each set of and values, we initialized the neural activity levels, , in the model with zero-mean gaussian noise with variance and ran the simulation for 50,000 time points. To avoid effects arising from initial transients, we omitted from all analyses the data from the first 500 time steps.
Data and statistical analyses
We performed all data and statistical analyses using MATLAB (version R2019a; Mathworks). All statistical tests were two-sided, except for permutation tests, which were one-sided. All signed-rank tests were Wilcoxon signed-rank tests.
Computational simulations
We performed all simulations using MATLAB (version R2019a; Mathworks).
Extended Data
Supplementary Material
We gratefully acknowledge research support from HHMI (M.J.S.), the Stanford CNC Program (M.J.S.), DARPA (M.J.S.), NIH BRAIN Initiative grant 1UF1NS107610–01 (M.J.S.), the NSF NeuroNex Program (M.J.S.), an NSF CAREER Award (S.G.), and the Burroughs-Wellcome (S.G.), McKnight (S.G.), James S. McDonnell (S.G.) and Simons (S.G.; MJS) foundations, and a Stanford Graduate Fellowship (O.R.). We thank B. Ahanonu, A. Christensen, H. Kim, T. Rogerson, A. Shai, and A. Tsao, for helpful conversations, and H. Zeng for providing transgenic mice.
Competing financial interests. M.J.S. is a scientific co-founder of Inscopix Inc., which produces the Mosaic software used to identify individual neurons in the Ca2+ videos. J.A.L. is also an Inscopix stockholder.
Code availability. We used open source software routines for image registration55 (http://bigwww.epfl.ch/thevenaz/turboreg/) and partial least squares analysis (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/18760-partial-least-squares-and-discriminant-analysis). Software code for extracting individual neurons and their calcium activity traces from calcium videos by using principal component and then independent component analyses56 is freely available (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/25405-emukamel-cellsort), although for convenience we used a commercial version of these routines (Mosaic software, version 0.99.17; Inscopix Inc.). We used Matlab (version 2019a) to write all other analytic routines. The primary software code used to support the findings of the study is available at Zenodo.org (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6314932).
Reprints and permissions information is available at www.nature.com/reprints.
Data availability.
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request.
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Supplementary Materials
Data Availability Statement
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request.