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. 2023 Aug 7;18(4):353–367. doi: 10.5114/pg.2023.130337

Table I.

Deep learning models for diagnosis and classification of colorectal cancer

Author Year Country Study type Aim of model Architecture Task Dataset used Evaluation metrics
Kainz [34] 2017 Austria Journal article Classification of glands Custom CNN 4-class (benign, benign background, malignant, malignant background) 2015 MICCAI Gland Segmentation Challenge, Training 85
Images (37 benign and 48 malignant)
Testing 80 (37/43)
Detection results (MICCAI Glas): F1 score = (0.68 + 0.61)/2, DICE index (0.75 + 0.65)/2, Hausdorff (103.49 + 187.76)/2
Xu [35] 2017 China Journal article Gland Classification Custom CNN Binary (bening/malignant) 2015 MICCAI Gland Segmentation Challenge
Training 85 Images Testing 80 Images
Detection results (MICCAI Glas): F1 score (0.893 + 0.843)/2, DICE index (0.908 + 0.833)/2, Hausdorff (44.129 + 116.821)/2
Awan [36] 2017 UK Journal article Grading of CRC UNET (A) Binary (normal/cancer) (B) 3-class: normal/low grade/high grade 38 WSIs, extracted 139 parts (71 normal, 33 low grade, 35 high grade) (A) Binary ACC: 97% (B) 3-vlass ACC: 91%
Chen [37] 2017 China Journal article Nuclei Classification Custom CNN Binary (benign/malignant) 2015 MICCAI Gland Segmentation Challenge and 2015 MICCAI Nuclei Segmentation Challenge Detection results (MICCAI Glas): F1 score = 0.887, DICE index 0.868 Hausdorff = 74.731 Segmentation results: D1 and D2 metrics from Challenge
Xu [38] 2017 China Journal article Tissue Classification Alexnet – SVM (1) Binary (cancer/not cancer) 2014 MICCAI Brain Tumour (incl. colorectal metastases) Digital Pathology Challenge ACC: (1) Binary: 98%
Haj-Hassan [39] 2017 France Journal article Tissue Classification Custom CNN Triple: benign hyperplasia (BH), intraepithelial neoplasia (IN), and carcinoma (Ca) Biopsy images of 30 CRC patients ACC: 99.17%
Chaofeng 2017 China Journal article Tissue Classification Custom Bilinear CNN Eight types of tissue, namely tumour epithelium, simple stroma, complex stroma, immune cells, debris, normal mucosal glands, adipose tissue, and background (no tissue) H&E-stained colorectal cancer histopathological image dataset from the University Medical Centre Mannheim AUC value of 0.985
Van Eycke [40] 2018 Belgium Journal article Diagnosis VGG Binary (benign/malignant) 2015 MICCAI Gland Segmentation Challenge
Training 85
Images Testing 80 (37/43)
Detection results (MICCAI Glas): F1 score = (0.895 + 0.788)/2, DICE index (0.902 + 0.841)/2, Hausdorff (42.943 + 105.926)/2
Graham [41] 2019 UK Journal article Diagnosis Custom Architecture MILD-net Binary (benign/malignant) (1) MICCAI Gland Segmentation Challenge (2) 38 WSIs, extracted 139 parts (71 normal, 33 low grade, 35 high grade) (1) F1 score: (0.914 + 0.844)/2, Dice: (0.913 + 0.836)/2, Hausdorff (41.54 + 105.89)/2 (2) F1 score: 0.825, Dice: 0.875, Hausdorff: 160.14
Yoon [42] 2019 South Korea Journal article Diagnosis Modified-VGG Binary (benign/malignant) Centre for CRC, National Cancer Centre, Korea, 57 WSIs, 10,280 patches ACC: 93.48%, SP: 92.76%, SE: 95.1%
Qaiser [9] 2019 UK Journal article Diagnosis Custom CNN Binary (benign/malignant) (1) Warwick-UHCW 75 H/E WSIs (112,500 patches), (2) Warwick-Osaka 50 H/E WSIs (75,000 patches) (A) PHP/CNN: F1 score 0.9243, Precision 0.9267 (B) PHP/CNN: F1 score 0.8273, Precision 0.8311
Sari [43] 2019 Turkey Journal article Grading of CRC Feature Extraction from Deep Belief Network and classification employing linear SVM, Comparison with Alexnet, GoogleNet, Inceptionv3, and autoencoders (1) 3-class: normal (N), Low Grade (LG), High Grade (HG) (2) 5-class: Normal, Low (1), Low (1–2), Low (2), High (1) 3236 images 1001 N, 1703 LG, 532 (HG) (2) 1468 images (1) mean ACC: 96.13 (2) mean ACC: 79.28
Rączkowski [44] 2019 Poland Journal article Tissue Classification Custom CNN (A) Binary: tumour/stroma (B) 8-class: tumour epithelium, simple stroma, complex stroma, immune cells, debris, normal mucosal glands, adipose tissue, background 5000 patches (1) AUC 0.998 ACC: 99.11 ±0.97% (2) AUC 0.995 ACC: 92.44 ±0.81%
Sena [26] 2019 Italy Journal article Tissue Classification Custom CNN Normal mucosa, preneoplastic lesion, adenoma, cancer 393 WSIs ACC: 81.7
Xu [35] 2020 Canada Journal article Diagnosis Custom CNN Binary (benign/malignant) St. Paul’s Hospital, 307 H/E images ACC: 99.9% (normal slides), ACC: 94.8% (cancer slides) Independent dataset: median ACC: 88.1%, AUROC: 0.99
Song [45] 2020 China Journal article Diagnosis Custom CNN Binary (benign/malignant) 579 slides ACC: 90.4, AUC: 0.92
Shaban [18] 2020 UK Journal article Grading of CRC Custom CNN 3-Class: normal, low grade, high grade 38 WSIs, extracted 139 parts (71 normal, 33 low grade, 35 high grade) ACC: 95.70
Iizuka 2020 Japan Journal article Tissue Classification (1) Inception v3, (2)RNN 3-class: adenocarcinoma/adenoma/non-neoplastic 4.036 WSIs (1) AUC: (ADC: 0.967, adenoma: 0.99), (2) AUC: (ADC: 0.963, adenoma: 0.992)
Masud [46] 2021 Saudi Arabia Journal article Diagnosis Custom CNN Binary (benign/malignant) LC25000 dataset, James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital, 5000 images of Colon ADC, 5000 images of Colon benign tissue ACC: 96.33% F-measure score 96.38% for colon and lung cancer identification
Wang [6] 2021 China Journal article Diagnosis Modified Inception v3 Binary (bening/malignant) 14,234 CRC WSIs and 170.099 patches ACC: 98.11%, AUC: 99.83%, SP: 99.22%, SE: 96.99%
Gupta [14] 2021 Switzerland Journal article Diagnosis (a) VGG, ResNet, Inception, and IR-v2 for transfer learning, (b) Five types of customized architectures based on Inception-ResNet-v Binary (benign/malignant) 215 H/E WSIs, 1.303.012 patches (a) IR-v2 performed better than the others: AUC: 0.97, F-score: 0.97 (b) IR-v2 Type 5: AUC: 0.99, F-score: 0.99
Yu [10] 2021 China Journal article Diagnosis SSL Binary (benign/malignant) 13.111 WSIs, 62,919 patches Patch-level diagnosis AUC: 0.980 ±0.014 Patient-level diagnosis AUC: 0.974 ±0.013
Toğaçar [47] 2021 Turkey Journal article Diagnosis YOLO-based DarkNet-19 Binary (benign/malignant) 10,000 images Overall ACC: 99.69%
Terradillos [48] 2021 Spain Journal article Diagnosis Custom CNN based on Xception Binary (benign/malignant) 14,712 images SE: 0.8228, SP: 0.9114
Paladini [28] 2021 Italy Journal article Tissue Classification 2 × Ensemble approach ResNet-101, ResNeXt-50, Inception-v3 and DensNet-161. (1) Mean-Ensemble-CNN approach, the predicted class of each image is assigned using the average of the predicted probabilities of 4 trained models. (2) In the NN-Ensemble-CNN approach, the deep features corresponding to the last FC layer are extracted from the 4 trained models 7-class, 8-class, respectively WIS-Kather-CRC-2016 Database (5000 CRC images) and CRC-TP Database (280,000 CRC images) Kather-CRC-2016 Database: Mean-Ensemble-CNN mean ACC: 96.16% NN-Ensemble-CNN mean ACC: 96.14% CRC-TP Database: Mean-Ensemble-CNN ACC: 86.97% Mean-Ensemble-CNN F1-Score: 86.99% NN-Ensemble-CNN ACC: 87.26% NN-Ensemble-CNN F1-Score: 87.27%
Ben Hamida [24] 2021 France Journal article Tissue Classification (1) Comparison of 4 different architectures Alexnet, VGG-16, ResNet, DenseNet, Inceptionv3, with transfer learning strategy (2) Comparison of SegNet and U-Net for semantic Segmentation (A) 8-class: tumour, stroma, tissue, necrosis, immune, fat, background, trash (B) Binary (tumour/no-tumour) (1) AiCOLO (396 H/E slides), (2) NCT Biobank, University Medical Centre Mannheim (100,000 H/E patches), (3) CRC-5000 dataset (5000 images), (4) Warwick (16 H/E) (1) ResNet On AiCOLO-8: overall ACC: 96.98% On CRC-5000: ACC: 96.77% On NCT-CRC-HE-100: ACC: 99.76% On merged: ACC: 99.98% (2) On AiCOLO-2 UNet: ACC: 76.18%, SegNet: ACC: 81.22%
Zhou [49] 2021 China Journal article Tissue Classification Custom CNN with Res-Net Binary (benign/malignant) TCGA 1346 H/E WSIs ACC: 0.946 Precision: 0.9636 Recall: 0.9815 F1 score: 0.9725
Riasatian [30] 2021 Canada Journal article Tissue Classification Custom CNN based on DenseNEt 8-class: tumour epithelium, simple stroma, complex stroma, immune cells, debris, normal mucosal glands, adipose tissue, background The Cancer Genome Atlas’ 5000 patches ACC: 96.38% (KN-I) and 96.80% (KN-IV)
Tsuneki [25] 2021 Switzerland Journal article Tissue Classification EfficientNetB1 model 4-class: poorly differentiated ADC, well-to-moderately differentiated ADC, adenoma, non-neoplastic) 1799 H/E WSIs AUC: 0.95
Jiao [29] 2021 China Journal article Tissue Classification DELR based 8-class: normal mucosa, adipose, debris, lymphocytes, mucus, smooth muscle, stroma, tumour epithelium 180,082 patches AUC: > 0.95
Kim [27] 2021 South Korea Journal article Tissue Classification Custom CNN 5-class: ADC, high-grade adenoma with dysplasia, low-grade adenoma with dysplasia, carcinoid, hyperplastic polyp 390 WSIs ACC: 0.957 ±0.025 Jac: 0.690 ±0.174 Dice: 0.804 ±0.125
Yan [19] 2022 China Journal article CRC Grading Custom Divide-and-Attention Network (DANet) + Majority Voting 3-class (normal, low high grade) 15,303 patches as proposed by Awan et al. ACC: 95.3%, AUC: 0.94
Dabass [20] 2022 India Journal article CRC Grading Custom CNN based on Enhanced Convolutional Learning Modules (ECLMs), multi-level Attention Learning Module (ALM), and Transitional Modules (TMs) 3-class (normal, low high grade) Gland Segmentation challenge (GlaS), Lung Colon(LC)-25000, Kather_Colorectal_Cancer_Texture_Images (Kather-5k), NCT_HE_CRC_100K(NCT-100k) and a private dataset Hospital Colon (HosC) GlaS (Accuracy (97.5%), Precision (97.67%), F1-Score (97.67%), and Recall (97.67%)), LC-25000 (Accuracy (100%), Precision (100%), F1-Score (100%), and Recall (100%)), and HosC (Accuracy (99.45%), Precision (100%), F1-Score (99.65%), and Recall (99.31%)), and while for the tissue structure classification, it achieves results for Kather-5k (Accuracy (98.83%), Precision (98.86%), F1-Score (98.85%), and Recall (98.85%)) and NCT-100k (Accuracy (97.7%), Precision (97.69%), F1-Score (97.71%), and Recall (97.73%))
Kassani [13] 2022 USA Journal article Diagnosis Comparison of ResNet, MobileNet, VGG, Inceptionv3, InceptionResnetv2, ResNeXt, SE-ResNet, SE-ResNeXt Binary (Healthy/Cancer) DigestPath, 250 H/E WSIs, 1.746 patches Dice: 82.74% ACC: 87.07% F1 score: 82.79%
Shen [50] 2022 China Journal article Diagnosis Custom CNN based on DenseNEt 3-class: loose non-tumour tissue, dense non-tumour tissue, gastrointestinal cancer tissues 1063 TCGA samples DP-FTD: AUC 0.779, DCRF-FTD: AUC: 0.786
Chehade [15] 2022 France Journal a rticle Diagnosis XGBoost, SVM, RF, LDA, MLP and LightGBM Binary (benign/malignant) for CRC LC25000 dataset ACC of 99% and a F1-score of 98.8% for XGBoost
Collins [16] 2022 Italy Prospective study Diagnosis Custom CNN 3-class (normal, T1-2, T3-4) Images from 34 patients 15-fold cross-validation (Se: 87% and Sp: 90%, respectively), ROC-AUC: 0.95. T1-2 group Se: 89%, Sp: 90%, T3-4 group, Se: 81%, Sp: 93%
Ho [12] 2022 Singapore Journal article Diagnosis Faster-RCC Architecture Binary (low risk/high risk) 66,191 image tiles extracted from 39 WSIs, Evaluation 150 WSI biopsies AUC of 91.7%
Reis [51] 2022 Turkey Journal article Nuclei Classification Custom method (DenseNet169 + SVM, DenseNet169 + GRU) 10-class 10-class MedCLNet visual dataset consisting of the NCT-CRC-HE-100 K dataset, LC25000 dataset, and GlaS dataset 95% accuracy was obtained in the DenseNet169 model after pre-train
Albashish 2022 Jordan Journal article Tissue Classification (1) E-CNN (product rule), (2) E-CNN (majority voting) 4-class and 7 class Stoean (357 images) and Kather colorectal histology (5000 images) (1) ACC: 97.20%, (2) 91.28%
Li [31] 2022 Hong Jong Journal article Tissue Classification Pretrained ImageNet 9 class 100,000 annotated H&E image patches ACC: 98.4%