Reduced transcriptional response to activation in immature DG neurons. (a) Experimental timeline. Mice received TAM to label DGCs, were exposed to a NE 5 weeks later, and then were sacrificed for hippocampus dissection and nuclei preparation immediately or after an additional 3-hr delay. (b) Diagram of nuclear cell markers used to isolate specific populations via FACS and total cells per population included in the analysis. (c) Unbiased clustering of nuclei isolated at 1 hr after the start of NE. (d) Arc expression in nuclei isolated at 1 hr identifies active clusters. (e) Mature Active cells preferentially localize to clusters 1 and 4. Immature Active cells are more broadly distributed across clusters despite isolation based on ARC protein expression. (f) Unbiased clustering of nuclei isolated at 4 hr after the start of NE. (g) Arc expression in nuclei isolated at 4 hr identifies active clusters. (h) Mature Active cells preferentially localize to clusters 1 and 3. Immature Active cells are more broadly distributed across clusters despite isolation based on ARC protein expression. DG, dentate granule; DGC, dentate granule cell; NE, novel environment.