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. 2021 Sep 14;13(1):7–17. doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1735873

Table 2. Comparison of demographic characteristics of patients with bronchiolitis admitted to the PICU requiring and not requiring respiratory support escalation (RSE) and patients requiring and not requiring endotracheal intubation (ETI).

Variables Patients did not require RSE Patients required RSE p -Value Patients did not require ETI Patients required ETI p -Value
Number of patients 130 34 153 11
 Age (months) 5.1 [2.2, 10.7] b 3.9 [2.0,11.0] b 0.64 c 5.1 [2.1,11.4] b 2.5 [1.7, 4.8] b 0.16 c
 Gender (male/female) 85/45 (65/35) a 12/22 (35/65) a 0.001 b 94/59 (61/39) a 3/8 (27/73) a 0.026 b
 Weight (kg), 7.2 [4.7, 8.7] b 6.4 [4.4, 8.5] b 0.44 c 7.2 [4.8, 8.7] b 5.8 [3.9, 6.9] b 0.089 c
 Origin of patients 0.079 d 0.52 d
 Emergency Department 85 (65) a 23 (68) a 99 (65) a 9 (82) a
 Hospital floor 24 (18.5) a 1 (3) a 25 (16) a 0 (0) a
hospital floor
19 (14.6) a 9 (26.5) a 26 (17) a 2 (18) a
 Other 2 (1.5) a 1 (3) a 3 (2) a 0 (0) a
Day of illness
at admission
0.69 c 0.72 c
1 d 8 (6) a 4 (12) a 10 (6.5) a 2 (18) a
2 d 21 (16) a 8 (23.5) a 27 (17.6) a 2 (18) a
3 d 32 (25) a 7 (21) a 36 (23.5) a 3 (27) a
4 d 20 (15) a 3 (9) a 23 (15) a 0 (0) a
5 d 16 (12) a 6 (18) a 20 (13) a 2 (18) a
6 d 9 (7) a 3 (9) a 11 (7) a 1 (9) a
7 d 11 (8.5) a 2 (6) a 12 (8) a 1 (9) a
> 7 d 10 (8) a 1 (3) a 11 (7) a 0 (0) a
Not known 3 (2) a 0 (0) a 3 (2) a 0 (0) a
Severity of illness:
 PRISM score 0 [0,0] b 0 [0, 3] b 0.003 c 0 [0,0] b 0 [0, 6] b 0.018 c
 PIM 2 score −6.3
[−6.4, −6.1] b
[−6.4, −6.1] b
0.55 c −6.3
[−6.4, −6.1] b
[−6.4, −6.2] b
0.39 c
 PICU length of stay in days 1.5
[0.9, 2.6] b
[1.9, 10.2] b
<0.001 c 1.7
[0.96, 2.6] b
[8.9, 14.6] b
<0.001 c

Abbreviations: ETI, endotracheal intubation; PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; RSE, respiratory support escalation.


Number of patients (percentage).


Median [Interquartile range].


Kruskal-Wallis test.


Pearson's Chi-square test.