Fig. 3. Semaglutide-induced weight loss fails to improve tumor immunity.
Mice were placed on either normal chow (NC) or western diet (WD) for 12 weeks. A At 12 weeks, a cohort of mice on WD began twice weekly treatment with semaglutide (WD+Sema) for 6 weeks while being maintained on WD. B Body mass was tracked over time, and graphed data is from a representative experiment showing the average mass of all mice in each group with SEM indicated by the error bars. C After 6 weeks, fat mass and lean mass were assessed via whole-body NMR imaging (NC n = 10, WD n = 10, WD+Sema n = 20), D liver histology was performed, E and serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and cholesterol levels were measured (NC n = 10, WD n = 10, WD+Sema n = 30). At this time, mice received a subcutaneous injection of B16 tumor cells in the flank (day 0) and half of each cohort was treated with immune checkpoint blockade (ICB; anti-PD-1/anti-CTLA-4) or received PBS vehicle control on days 6 and 10. F Tumor volumes were measured every other day starting at day 6 and G pooled tumor volumes from 2 independent experiments at day 16 were compared (NC n = 18, NC + ICB n = 7, WD n = 19, WD + ICB n = 14, WD+Sema n = 35, WD+Sema+ICB n = 35). H Tumors were harvested at day 16 and representative FACS plots show intracellular expression of GzmB and Perforin by TRP-2-specific CD8+ TIL. I Pooled data from 2 independent experiments show the percent of TRP-2-specific CD8+ TIL co-expressing GzmB and Perforin (NC n = 9, NC + ICB n = 3, WD n = 9, WD + ICB n = 7, WD+Sema n = 17, WD+Sema+ICB n = 19). All box-and-whisker plots: The box indicates the 25th and 75th percentile, the line indicates the data median, and the whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum of all individual values. All n’s represent an individual mouse. Exact P values were calculated by two-sided Mann–Whitney U test.