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. 2024 Mar 21;68(5):566–586. doi: 10.1177/0306624X241240703

Table 4.

Results of Independent Samples T-Tests of the Type of Perpetrator-Victim Relationship on the Reported Personality Attributions.

Personality attributions Sample item (ex-)intimate Other t
Schizotypal Does this person have odd beliefs or fantasies that influence behavior? 3.26 .71 3.25 .66 −.10
Schizoid Does this person lack a desire for intimacy with friends or partners? 3.47 .84 3.33 .80 −.78
Paranoid Does this person worry excessively about whether they can trust the people close to them? 2.63 .95 3.06 1.03 2.10*
Antisocial Does this person show recklessness or disregard for the safety of others? 3.02 .79 3.03 .80 .10
Borderline Does this person display suicidal behavior, threats, or self-mutilating behavior? 2.97 .78 3.50 .55 4.09***
Histrionic Does this person have an exaggerated expression of emotion? 2.97 .90 2.98 .78 .03
Narcissistic Does this person need to be admired by others? 2.50 .95 2.62 .94 .64
Dependent Does this person go to extreme lengths to get support from others? 3.70 .82 4.05 .82 2.10*
Avoidant Is this person worried about being criticized or rejected? 3.69 .89 3.85 1.01 .83
Obsessive-Compulsive Does this person pay very close attention to details, rules, lists, order, or organization? 3.65 .85 3.44 .98 −1.14

p < .05. ***p < .001.