Schematic diagrams of Myb proteins used in this study. Comparisons are made between two sets of proteins: one that includes the amino acids encoded by exon 9A, and one that excludes the amino acids encoded by exon 9A. The three repeats of the DNA-binding domain (DBD) are shown in light gray; the horizontally striped box represents the acidic region of the transactivation domain (TA); the heptad leucine repeat region (HLR) is shown as a black box; the E9A sequence is shown as a hatched box. The remaining Myb sequences, including the negative regulatory domain (NEG), are shown as white boxes. CCCE refers to full-length c-Myb that includes E9A. Also shown here are four other pairs of proteins that correspond to the presence or absence of E9A. The proteins dVd (v-Myb) and dVdE contain nine amino acid substitutions (marked by black dots); dCd contains the same N- and C-terminal truncations as dVd but lacks the amino acid substitutions; dCC and CCd contain the N-terminal and C-terminal truncations, respectively, and also do not contain the amino acid substitutions.