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. 2024 Apr 3;30:10760296241238211. doi: 10.1177/10760296241238211

Table 4.

Analysis of the Day of Diagnosis Between Control Groups of Healthy Patients and Those With Unprovoked and Provoked Venous Thrombosis Using the Kruskal-Wallis Test. Analysis of Unprovoked Group Versus Control and Provoked Group Versus Control Using the Mann-Whitney Test.

Biomarker Control Unprovoked Provoked Kruskal-Wallis (P value) Mann-Whitney (P value)
N Median (Q1; Q3) 95% CI N Median (Q1; Q3) 95% CI N Median (Q1; Q3) 95% CI Control ×
Control ×
Anti-Xa (%) 19 32.5 (14.3; 34.6) 38.0 (14.0; 61.0) 5 45.0 (36.9; 62.3) 49.0 (31.0; 66.0) 10 40.2 (32.3; 51.9) 43.0 (33.0; 53.0) .016 .015 .043
PCR (ng/mL) 9 1138.3 (329.2; 5667.0) 2776.0 (355.0; 5198.0) 5 11 356.3 (3567.2; 13 580.2) 9139.0 (2538.0; 15 723.0) 10 14 629.7 (7500.8; 15 978.6) 11 815.0 (7930.0; 15 700.0) .003 .002 .028
D-dimer (ng/mL) 20 0.0 (0.0; 155.7) 98.0 (7.0; 189.0) 5 4210.1 (2025.2; 10 581.9) 5885.0 (416.0; 1353.0) 10 7922.3 (2095.6; 14 416.0) 8397.0 (4179.0; 12 616.0) <.001 <.001 <.001
PAI-1 (ng/mL) 9 24.1 (19.4; 27.8) 24.0 (18.0; 31.0) 5 48.4 (9.1; 55.6) 36.0 (5.0; 66.0) 10 44.1 (21.3; 56.7) 41.0 (26.0; 56.0) .295
TAFI (%) 9 108.7 (105.4; 115.9) 110.0 (105.0; 115.0) 5 109.3 (104.9; 116.4) 110.0 (101.0; 120.0) 10 114.2 (105.9; 122.4) 114.0 (107.0; 121.0) .567
GT (%) 19 158.0 (134.9; 196.7) 165.0 (149.0; 181.0) 5 73.5 (61.3; 167.8) 106.0 (16.0; 197.0) 10 137.5 (71.0; 170.8) 125.0 (84.0; 166.0) .072
vWF (%) 9 106.4 (91.1; 112.0) 105.0 (91.0; 117.0) 5 138.8 (120.4; 155.3) 138.0 (114.0; 162.0) 10 143.5 (137.4; 157.1) 146.0 (137.0; 156.0) .001 < .001 .014

Abbreviations: vWF, von Willebrand factor; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1; NLR, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; TAFI, thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; GT: group testing.