Illumina‐based metagenomics
Advantages |
Readily available commercial sequencing service with a relatively low price
Low requirement on the input DNA for library construction in terms of both DNA quality and quantity, for example, 1 ng DNA is enough for library construction
Massive SRs with high community coverage, easy to capture signal for populations with very low abundance
Various mature bioinformatic frameworks to carry out community, functionality as well as metagenomic binning analysis
Limitations |
High instrumental cost, which results in relatively longer turn‐around time to obtain sequencing data at centralized labs or sequencing companies
Unavoidable biases against high‐GC populations by the bridge‐PCR
Nanopore‐based metagenomics
Advantages |
Relatively low instrument price, which enables short turn‐around time to obtain sequencing results within 48 h at every lab
Higher feasibility to customize sequencing protocols for specific sequencing purpose, for example, ReadUntil sequencing
No systematic bias during sequencing, but has an evident base‐calling constrain
Limitations |
High error rates of raw LRs generated by mainstream chemistry, namely, 5%–10% for R9.4 chemistry and 3%–5% for R10.4 chemistry
Regular bioinformatic pipelines, like, Prokka, MetaWRAP, unapplicable for raw nanopore‐LRs analysis
Difficulty to assemble low coverage populations due to the sequencing throughput limit which is most often associated with the high sequencing cost
Persistence of indel and chimera errors on the assembled the MAGs which limited its application as reference genome