Cell morphology, phylogenetic analysis, gene cluster organization, and key respiratory pathways. (A) TEM image of Methylomirabilis oxyfera‐shaped cell from the submersed biofilm. (B) Phylogenomic analysis of Methylomirabilota phylum bacteria and MAGs, including Methylomirabilis iodofontis and other Methylomirabilis species and Rocubacteriales. (C) Nod phylogenetic tree including cloned Nod sequences from submersed biofilm and assembled Nod in Candidatus Methylomirabilis iodofontis genome. (D) Phylogenetic tree of the catalytic subunit of iodate reductase (IdrA), arsenite oxidase (AioA), and periplasmic nitrate reductase (NapA). IdrA encoded in the M. iodofontis is in bold, and the gene cluster organization of iodate reductase in Pseudomonas sp. SCT, Denitromonas sp. IR‐12 and Ca. M. iodofontis, and arsenite oxidase, nitrate reductase in other microbes are shown. (E) Key respiratory pathways in M. iodofontis according to genetic analysis. Both proposed iodate reduction routes taking place in periplasmic space are illustrated.