and pek-1 are required to protect C. elegans against HU-induced replication stress. a and b) The graphs show the relative fecundity of wild-type, ire-1(ok799), pek-1(ok275), or atf-6(ok551) worms subjected to 20 mM HU for 24 h from late L4 stage (a) or 10 mM HU for 72 h from L1 stage (b). Relative fecundity is calculated as follows: average number of eggs laid by an HU-treated worm during a 4-h postexposure period/average number of eggs laid by an unstressed worm of the same genotype during a 4-h period. c) Body size quantification of wild-type, ire-1(ok799), xbp-1(tm2482), pek-1(ok275), or atf-6(ok551) adult worms grown under unstressed conditions (n = 3 experiments totaling >30 animals per genotype). d) The graph shows the normalized average body area ratio of wild-type, ire-1(ok799), xbp-1(tm2482), pek-1(ok275), or atf-6(ok551) adult worms, calculated as follows: average body area of worms grown on 15 mM HU (n = 3 experiments totaling >30 individual HU-treated animals per genotype)/average body area of worms of the same genotype on DMSO. e) The graph shows the fractions of wild-type, ire-1(ok799), xbp-1(tm2482), pek-1(ok275), or atf-6(ok551) worms grown past L4 stage on DMSO at 48 h posthatching (n = 3 experiments totaling >90 individual animals per genotype). f) The graph shows normalized fraction of wild-type, ire-1(ok799), xbp-1(tm2482), pek-1(ok275), or atf-6(ok551) worms grown past L4 stage on 15 mM HU at 48 h posthatching, calculated as follows: fraction of worms past L4 on 15 mM HU/fraction of worms past L4 on DMSO (n = 3 experiments totaling >120 individual animals per genotype). In all graphs, the error bar represents standard deviation. Statistical analysis: ns P > 0.05, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ****P < 0.0001 (ordinary 1-way ANOVA test corrected for multiple comparisons using Dunnett's method).