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. 2023 Apr 26;56(3):1260–1282. doi: 10.3758/s13428-023-02093-6

Table 2.

Posterior estimates per model for the Bayesian meta-analysis of the studies identified by (Colonnesi et al., 2010) on the concurrent relation between pointing and language development

95% Credible Interval
Mean SD Lower Upper BF10
Fixed effects μ 0.578 0.061 0.461 0.698 5.625e + 19
Random effects μ 0.572 0.071 0.427 0.708 38503.011
τ 0.096 0.067 0.019 0.270 0.854a
Averaged μb 0.575 0.067 0.438 0.700 83574.393
τc 0.854

Table from JASP

Note. μ and τ are the group-level effect size and standard deviation, respectively

a Bayes factor of the random effects H1 over the fixed effects H1

b Posterior estimates are based on the models that assume an effect to be present. The Bayes factor is based on all four models: fixed- and random-effects H1 over the fixed- and random-effects H0.

c Model-averaged posterior estimates for τ are not yet available, but will be added in the future