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. 2023 Jun 8;72(9):2991–3002. doi: 10.1007/s00262-023-03467-7

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

A Waterfall plot of best percentage change from baseline in SPD for the FAS assessed per the IRC (N = 25); B Duration of exposure to geptanolimab, time to response and duration of response for patients in the FAS assessed per the IRC (N = 25); C Spdier plot for IRC-assessed percentage change from baseline in SPD at different time points. In figure A and C, dotted line at − 50% represents PR at 50% reduction in SPD, and dotted line at 50% indicates PD at 50% increase in SPD as determined on the basis of Lugano Classification 2014. SPD sum of the product of the perpendicular diameters for multiple lesions; CR complete response; PR partial response; PD progressive disease; SD stable disease; IRC independent review committee; FAS full analysis set