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. 2024 Apr 23;12:1075. Originally published 2023 Aug 31. [Version 2] doi: 10.12688/f1000research.138398.2

Table 3. Traditional medicinal use, part of the plant and form of preparation of the plants collected in Incahuasi.

Used plant Traditional medical use Plant part used Presentation form
Achicoria Bronchitis Leaves and root Decoction
Alhelí Bronchitis Flowers Decoction
Aliso Flu Leaves, root, and flowers Infusion
Anís de monte Colic Leaves Decoction
Asolanjea Accompanied by Perlilla and Chompe Ojsha, drunk to treat muscular strain or internal disorder due to a hit. Whole plant Infusion
Becerro vario Infection of any kind Leaves Decoction
Blanche (lanche) Cold Leaves Ointment
Canchalagua Heart Leaves Decoction
Canchilagua Infection Leaves Infusion
Chamagasa (chancua) Stomach ache, gas Leaves and stem Infusion
Chicher Infection of any kind Leaves Decoction
Flu Leaves and flowers Infusion
Stomach Leaves Decoction
Stomach ache Leaves and flowers Infusion
Chilca Flu Leaves Decoction
Chochogón Stomach ache Leaves and stem Decoction
Expulsion of the placenta and stopping bleeding
Altitude sickness, bad wind
Leaves and stem
Chompe ojsha Accompanied by Perlilla and Asolanjea, drunk to treat muscular strain or internal disorder due to a hit. Whole plant Infusion
Chumbiaura Bronchitis Leaves Extract
Cola de caballo Inflammation Leaves Infusion
Colandrello For menstrual cramps in combination with oregano, every night, until the pain is gone Whole plant Infusion
Congona de monte Bronchitis Leaves Ointment
Congonita For nerves (Infusion) Stem and leaves Infusion
Corbos Infection of any kind Stem and leaves Decoction
Culén Stomach ache Leaves Cooking
Cold Leaves Decoction
Flu Leaves Infusion
Culi caballo Inflammation Leaves Infusion
Curbush (corbos) Colic (Chucaque) Leaves, root and flowers Infusion
Stomach ache Leaves Decoction
Cushej (Luchaj) Stomach ache Leaves and flowers Decoction
Cutiquero Air, Flu Leaves Infusion
Diarrhea Stem and leaves Decoction
Headache Stem and leaves Decoction
Stomach ache Leaves Infusion
Stomach ache Stem and leaves Infusion
Knee pain Leaves Infusion and Ointment
Hemorrhage Stem and leaves Infusion
Bad air Stem and leaves Extract
Flu Stem and leaves Decoction
Mountain sickness Stem and leaves Ointment
Anti-abortion Stem and leaves Infusion
Diente de león Infection of any kind Whole plant Decoction
Eucalipto Flu Leaves Decoction
Leaves, root and flowers Infusion
Garbanzo Stomach ache Leaves Infusion
Hashanko hishpinku Earache Leaves Extract
Hierba santa For Fever (rub and drink) Leaves Infusion
Jarua chochogon Expulsion of the placenta and stop bleeding Stem and leaves Decoction
Lanchi Flu, throat, “time water” Leaves Infusion
Llanden (Llantén) Urinary infection Leaves Infusion
Anti-inflammatory, Flu Leaves Decoction
Liver Leaves Decoction
Locha (luchaj, loqcha) Stomach ache Leaves Infusion
Bad air or “Mal de aire” Leaves Infusion
Expulsion of the placenta and stop bleeding Leaves Decoction
Manzanilla Colic Leaves and flowers Infusion
Marco Chucaque Leaves, root and flowers Infusion
Flu Stem and leaves Decoction
Matico Flu Leaves Infusion
Matico de la sierra Expulsion of the placenta and stop bleeding Leaves Decoction
Mor-mor Stomach ache Stem and leaves Infusion
Mullaca Expulsion of the placenta and stop bleeding Leaves Decoction
Muña Stomach ache Leaves Decoction
Colic Leaves Infusion
Flu Leaves Extract
Flu, Cold Leaves Infusion
Leaves, root and flowers Infusion
Muña, chamagasa Stomach ache Leaves Infusion
Pacha rosa Bronchitis Leaves and flowers Infusion
Perlilla These 3 herbs are drunk when the person suffers muscle strain or internal disorder due to a hit. Stem and leaves Infusion
Pichana Healing of wounds Leaves, stem and flowers Infusion
Flu Leaves Decoction
Rabanas Fever Leaves Decoction
Romero Stomach ache Leaves and flowers Infusion
Cold Leaves and flowers Infusion
Flu Leaves and flowers Decoction
Rumelonche Cold Stem and leaves Decoction
Sauco Expulsion of the placenta and stop bleeding Leaves and flowers Decoction
Stomach ache Leaves and flowers Decoction
Fever, Throat Leaves and flowers Decoction
Flu Leaves and flowers Decoction
Leaves and flowers Decoction
Shita Flu Leaves Infusion
Verbena Stomach ache Stem and leaves Infusion
Vertius Headache Leaves Infusion
Yurajlucha (lushaj) Bad air or “Mal de aire” Leaves Infusion