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. 2024 Mar 5;16(3):e55574. doi: 10.7759/cureus.55574

Table 6. Methods and administration of studies for personality changes .

Study # of doses Method of administration Length of study Personality trait model used  # of people Result 
Weiss B et al. (2021) [44] 1 Self-report at three stages: Baseline, Post, 3 months follow up  3 months Five Factor Model 256 Post 3 months the greatest decrease in Neuroticism both self-report and informant reported. Extravasation and Openness did not change despite the original expectation. The degree of the adaptive changes largely depended on the participants' baseline changes
Murphy-Beiner A et al. (2020) [45] 1 Self-report before and after ceremony 24 hours  Five Facets Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), Experiences Questionnaire (EQ), Cognitive Flexibility Scale (CFS), Stroop and Wisconsin Picture Card Sorting Task (WPCST)  48 Mindfulness with 4/5 points on FFMQ, decentering and cognitive flexibility significantly increased post ayahuasca use. This improvement was described to be part of the “afterglow period” and suggested a possible psychological mechanism. 
Pasquini L et al. (2020) [46] 1 MRI imaging 1 day before and after ceremony  2 days  None  21 placebo group, 22 ayahuasca group MRI showed an increase in activity within the salience network in the anterior cingulate cortex connectivity. In comparison, there was a decrease in connectivity in the posterior cingulate cortex connectivity within the default mode network. There was an increased connectivity between the salience and default mode networks in the ayahuasca group compared to placebo. These results coincided with an increase in emotion and self-empowerment. 
Kiraga MK et al. (2021) [47] 1 Self-report: baseline, the morning after, and 1 week after  1 week Picture Concept Test, Multifaceted Empathy Test, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Experiences Questionnaire, Big Five Inventory 43 At 7-day self reports an increase in cognitive empathy, satisfaction with life, emotional empathy, and decentering was observed in comparison to divergent thinking, neuroticism decreased
Soler J et al. (2018) [48] 4 Self-reports  8 weeks  The Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), The Experiences Questionnaire (EQ), The MINDSENS Composite Index 10 Ayahuasca group, 10 mindfulness training programs The mindfulness group had a greater increase in mindfulness and was the only group to have an increased MINDSENS index. Ayahuasca group did have a comparable increase in acceptance of the FFMQ, and improved detachment with decreased judgment.