Fig 1.
Prediction-corrected visual predictive check for external validation of the PTN_METRO population pharmacokinetics model (9) of metronidazole using estimated metronidazole concentrations from critically ill infants in the SCAMP trial (16) with gestational ages ≤ 31 to match the PTN_METRO study demographics. Panel A shows the original PTN_METRO model with fixed parameters, and Panel B shows the original PTN_METRO model with re-estimated parameters. The shaded region denotes the 90% prediction interval of the simulated data. The solid lines from the bottom to the top represent the predicted 5th, 50th, and 95th percentiles. The dashed lines from the bottom to the top represent observed 5th, 50th, and 95th percentiles. Abbreviations: PTN_METRO, Metronidazole Pharmacokinetics in Premature Infants; SCAMP, Antibiotic Safety in Infants with Complicated Intra-Abdominal Infections.