Extended Data Fig. 1. Model for the movement dynamics of essential cell division proteins in S. aureus.
The directional movement of the septal peptidoglycan synthases FtsW and PBP1 is driven by their glycosyltransferase (GTase) and/or transpeptidase (TPase) activities. Processively moving FtsW/PBP1 complexes remain associated with the activating sub-complex DivIB/DivIC/FtsL to synthesize new peptidoglycan and thereby promote inward growth of the division septum. In this model, GTPase-driven treadmilling by FtsZ filaments neither determines the velocity of the essential PG synthesis enzyme complex, nor the rate of septum synthesis in S. aureus. Note that FtsA, DivIC and FtsL movement dynamics were not analysed in this study.