Horse no. | Virus strain | Clinical status | Mean copy no. of viral DNAa | % Infected cellsc |
2084 | Wyo | Acute clinical | 1,224 (189–4,154b) | 4.6 |
2092 | Wyo | Acute clinical | 2,200 (677–6,028) | 2.6 |
2079 | WSU5 | Acute clinical | 328 (50–589) | 0.77 |
2085 | Wyo | Chronic clinical | 273 (67–596) | 0.12 |
524 | Wyo | Subclinical | 85 (17–217) | 0.0025 |
489 | WSU5 | Subclinical | 3 (1–6) | NS |
498 | WSU5 | Subclinical | 15 (3–31) | NS |
Copy number in 10,000 cell-equivalents of spleen DNA. Each value is the mean for nine independent experiments.
Range of values for different experiments.
Ratio of infected cells, detected by ISH for viral RNA, to total cells in 120 4,500-μm2 fields. NS, viral RNA-containing cells could not be detected by ISH.