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. 2023 Mar 5;274(3):609–628. doi: 10.1007/s00406-023-01574-1

Table 2.

Descriptive data of population-mean cosinor parameters (by study group), respective model fit, and group comparison results (differential rhythmicity analyses)

NSSI HC Cosinor model fita Differential rhythmicity analysisb
NSSI HC NSSI vs. controls
N Pop. Mean Conf. Int N Pop. mean Conf. int F (DF1, DF2) p-value F (DF1, DF2) p-value F(DF1, DF2) t(DF) p-value SMDc 95% CI
 MESOR 29 85.98 81.74–90.22 30 79.44 76.14–82.74 39.87 (2, 27)  < 0.001 89.85 (2, 28)  < 0.001 6.27 (1, 57) 0.015 0.64 [0.12, 1.16]
 Amplitude 29 12.42 9.26–15.56 30 12.30 10.43–14.17 − 2.19 (57) 0.032
 Acrophase 29 1.81 1.63–2.04 30 1.56 1.40–1.71 11.08 (1, 57) 0.002
 MESOR 29 44.82 37.38–52.26 30 55.79 48.41–63.18 24.99 (2, 28)  < 0.001 10.35 (2, 27)  < 0.001 4.59 (1, 57) 0.036 − 0.56 [− 1.06; − 0.03]
 Amplitude 29 13.90 7.68–20.11 30 14.45 10.30–18.60 1.86 (57) 0.034
 Acrophase 29 5.02 − 4.75–5.33 30 4.73 4.57–4.90 5.69 (1, 57) 0.021

Bold font indicates statistical significance

HR heart rate, HRV heart rate variability (RMSSD, ms), MESOR midline estimating statistic of rhythm

aBased on rhythm detection tests; significant results suggested that the respective cosinor models fit the present data well on a group level

bTo test the hypothesis of significant group differences in diurnal variation of cardiac autonomic activity between NSSI group and HC, differential rhythmicity analysis was performed using the R-package ‘cosinor 2’ [22, 86, 96], including analysis of significant differences in amplitude and analysis of acrophase shift

cHedge’s g reported