Table 1. Search Strategya: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Weight Loss in Short-Term Physical Activity or Nutrition Interventions Among Adults With Overweight or Obesity, 2021–2023.
Database | Strategy |
PubMed | ("hypertension"[Title] OR "blood pressure"[Title] OR "pre-hypertension"[Title] OR "uncontrolled blood pressure"[Title] OR "controlled blood pressure"[Title] OR "exercise"[Title] OR "physical activity"[Title] OR "aerobic fitness"[Title] OR "sedentary"[Title] OR "healthy diet"[Title] OR "nutrition"[Title] OR "healthy weight"[Title] OR "weight management"[Title] OR "diabetes"[Title] OR "manage"[Title] OR "prevent"[Title] OR "monitor"[Title] OR "health behavior"[Title] OR "self-monitoring"[Title] OR "blood pressure self-management"[Title] OR ("obesity"[Title] AND "Obesity"[Majr:NoExp]) OR "prediabetes"[Title] OR "muscle strengthening"[Title] OR "healthy eating"[Title] OR "pre-diabetes"[Title] OR ("Overweight"[Majr:NoExp] AND "overweight"[Title])) AND ("lifestyle change*"[Title] OR "life style change*"[Title] OR "National Diabetes Prevention Program*"[Title] OR "Diabetes Prevention Program*"[Title] OR "lifestyle modification*"[Title] OR "life style modification*"[Title] OR "lifestyle intervention*"[Title] OR "life style intervention*"[Title] OR "diabetes prevention"[Title] OR "diabetes risk reduction"[Title] OR "health promotion"[Title] OR "health program*"[Title] OR "health intervention*"[Title] OR "weight reduction program*"[Title] OR "weight loss intervention*"[Title] OR "weight loss program*"[Title] OR "weight control"[Title] OR "obesity management"[Title] OR "obesity prevention"[Title] OR "obesity control"[Title] OR "overweight management"[Title] OR "overweight prevention"[Title] OR "overweight control"[Title] OR "physical activity program*"[Title] OR "physical activity intervention*"[Title] OR "exercise program*"[Title] OR "exercise intervention*"[Title] OR "nutrition program*"[Title] OR "nutrition intervention*"[Title] OR intervention*[Title] OR "lifestyle program*"[Title] OR program*[Title] OR "YMCA"[Title] OR "behavioral lifestyle intervention*"[Title] OR "group session*"[Title] OR "goal setting"[Title] OR "behavioral counseling"[Title] OR "program champion*"[Title] OR "community health"[Title] OR "health coaching"[Title] OR "motivational interviewing"[Title] OR "group counseling"[Title] OR "primary prevention"[Title] OR "self-management"[Title] OR "disease management"[Title] OR ("weight management"[Title] AND "Obesity Management"[Majr:NoExp]) OR "health coach"[Title] OR "behavior modification"[Title]) AND ("weight loss outcome*"[Title/Abstract] OR "weight change"[Title/Abstract] OR "weight reduction outcome*"[Title/Abstract] OR "weight management outcome*"[Title/Abstract] OR (("BMI"[Title] OR "body mass index"[Title]) AND "Body Mass Index"[Majr]) OR ("weight loss"[Title] AND "Weight Loss"[Mesh:NoExp]) OR "weight reduction"[Title]) AND ("2012/01/01"[Date - Publication] : "3000"[Date - Publication]) Filters: English #2 #1 NOT ("Comment"[Publication Type] OR "Letter"[Publication Type] OR "Editorial"[Publication Type]) #3 #2 NOT (((teen*[Title] OR youth*[Title] OR adolescen*[Title] OR child*[Title]) NOT (adult[Title] OR adults[Title])) OR (("Adolescent"[Mesh] OR "Child"[Mesh] OR "Infant"[Mesh]) NOT "Adult"[Mesh])) |
| |
Web of Science | TI=("hypertension" OR "blood pressure" OR "pre-hypertension" OR "uncontrolled blood pressure" OR "controlled blood pressure" OR "exercise" OR "physical activity" OR "aerobic fitness" OR "sedentary" OR "healthy diet" OR "nutrition" OR "healthy weight" OR "weight management" OR "diabetes" OR "manage" OR "prevent" OR "monitor" OR "health behavior" OR "self-monitoring" OR "blood pressure self-management" OR "obesity" OR "prediabetes" OR "muscle strengthening" OR "healthy eating" OR "pre-diabetes" OR "overweight") AND TI=("lifestyle change*" OR "life style change*" OR "National Diabetes Prevention Program*" OR "Diabetes Prevention Program*" OR "lifestyle modification*" OR "life style modification*" OR "lifestyle intervention*" OR "life style intervention*" OR "diabetes prevention" OR "diabetes risk reduction" OR "health promotion" OR "health program*" OR "health intervention*" OR "weight reduction program*" OR "weight loss intervention*" OR "weight loss program*" OR "weight control" OR "obesity management" OR "obesity prevention" OR "obesity control" OR "overweight management" OR "overweight prevention" OR "overweight control" OR "physical activity program*" OR "physical activity intervention*" OR "exercise program*" OR "exercise intervention*" OR "nutrition program*" OR "nutrition intervention*" OR intervention* OR "lifestyle program*" OR program* OR "YMCA" OR "behavioral lifestyle intervention*" OR "group session*" OR "goal setting" OR "behavioral counseling" OR "program champion*" OR "community health" OR "health coaching" OR "motivational interviewing" OR "group counseling" OR "primary prevention" OR "self-management" OR "disease management" OR "weight management" OR "health coach" OR "behavior modification") AND (TI=("weight loss outcome*" OR "weight change" OR "weight reduction outcome*" OR "weight management outcome*" OR "weight reduction") OR (TI=("BMI" OR "body mass index") AND AK=("body mass index")) OR (TI=("weight loss") AND AK=("weight loss"))) and English (Languages) and Letters or Editorial Materials or Corrections (Exclude – Document Types) Timespan: 2012-01-01 to 2022-12-31 (Publication Date) #2 #1 NOT (TI=(teen* OR youth* OR adolescen* OR child*) NOT TI=(adult OR adults)) |
| |
APA PsycInfo | TI ("hypertension" OR "blood pressure" OR "pre-hypertension" OR "uncontrolled blood pressure" OR "controlled blood pressure" OR "exercise" OR "physical activity" OR "aerobic fitness" OR "sedentary" OR "healthy diet" OR "nutrition" OR "healthy weight" OR "weight management" OR "diabetes" OR "manage" OR "prevent" OR "monitor" OR "health behavior" OR "self-monitoring" OR "blood pressure self-management" OR "obesity" OR "prediabetes" OR "muscle strengthening" OR "healthy eating" OR "pre-diabetes" OR "overweight") AND TI ("lifestyle change*" OR "life style change*" OR "National Diabetes Prevention Program*" OR "Diabetes Prevention Program*" OR "lifestyle modification*" OR "life style modification*" OR "lifestyle intervention*" OR "life style intervention*" OR "diabetes prevention" OR "diabetes risk reduction" OR "health promotion" OR "health program*" OR "health intervention*" OR "weight reduction program*" OR "weight loss intervention*" OR "weight loss program*" OR "weight control" OR "obesity management" OR "obesity prevention" OR "obesity control" OR "overweight management" OR "overweight prevention" OR "overweight control" OR "physical activity program*" OR "physical activity intervention*" OR "exercise program*" OR "exercise intervention*" OR "nutrition program*" OR "nutrition intervention*" OR intervention* OR "lifestyle program*" OR program* OR "YMCA" OR "behavioral lifestyle intervention*" OR "group session*" OR "goal setting" OR "behavioral counseling" OR "program champion*" OR "community health" OR "health coaching" OR "motivational interviewing" OR "group counseling" OR "primary prevention" OR "self-management" OR "disease management" OR "weight management" OR "health coach" OR "behavior modification") AND (TI ("weight loss outcome*" OR "weight change" OR "weight reduction outcome*" OR "weight management outcome*" OR "BMI" OR "body mass index" OR "weight reduction" OR "weight loss") OR AB ("weight loss outcome*" OR "weight change" OR "weight reduction outcome*" OR "weight management outcome*")) Limiters - Publication Year: 2012-2022; Peer Reviewed; English S2 S1 NOT (ZZ "comment/reply" OR ZZ "editorial" OR ZZ "letter") Limiters - Publication Year: 2012-2022; Peer Reviewed; English S3 S2 NOT (((TI teen* OR TI youth* OR TI adolescen* OR TI child*) NOT (TI adult OR TI adults)) OR ((ZG "adolescence (13-17 yrs)" OR ZG "childhood (birth-12 yrs)" OR ZG "infancy (2-23 mo)" OR ZG "neonatal (birth-1 mo)" OR ZG "preschool age (2-5 yrs)" OR ZG "school age (6-12 yrs)") NOT (ZG "adulthood (18 yrs & older)" OR ZG "aged (65 yrs & older)" OR ZG "middle age (40-64 yrs)" OR ZG "thirties (30-39 yrs)" OR ZG "very old (85 yrs & older)" OR ZG "young adulthood (18-29 yrs)"))) Limiters - Publication Year: 2012-2022; Peer Reviewed; English |
| |
Embase | ("hypertension":ti OR "blood pressure":ti OR "pre-hypertension":ti OR "uncontrolled blood pressure":ti OR "controlled blood pressure":ti OR "exercise":ti OR "physical activity":ti OR "aerobic fitness":ti OR "sedentary":ti OR "healthy diet":ti OR "nutrition":ti OR "healthy weight":ti OR "weight management":ti OR "diabetes":ti OR "manage":ti OR "prevent":ti OR "monitor":ti OR "health behavior":ti OR "self-monitoring":ti OR "blood pressure self-management":ti OR ("obesity":ti AND 'obesity'/mj) OR "prediabetes":ti OR "muscle strengthening":ti OR "healthy eating":ti OR "pre-diabetes":ti OR ("overweight":ti AND 'obesity'/mj)) AND ("lifestyle change*":ti OR "life style change*":ti OR "National Diabetes Prevention Program*":ti OR "Diabetes Prevention Program*":ti OR "lifestyle modification*":ti OR "life style modification*":ti OR "lifestyle intervention*":ti OR "life style intervention*":ti OR "diabetes prevention":ti OR "diabetes risk reduction":ti OR "health promotion":ti OR "health program*":ti OR "health intervention*":ti OR "weight reduction program*":ti OR "weight loss intervention*":ti OR "weight loss program*":ti OR "weight control":ti OR "obesity management":ti OR "obesity prevention":ti OR "obesity control":ti OR "overweight management":ti OR "overweight prevention":ti OR "overweight control":ti OR "physical activity program*":ti OR "physical activity intervention*":ti OR "exercise program*":ti OR "exercise intervention*":ti OR "nutrition program*":ti OR "nutrition intervention*":ti OR intervention*:ti OR "lifestyle program*":ti OR program*:ti OR "YMCA":ti OR "behavioral lifestyle intervention*":ti OR "group session*":ti OR "goal setting":ti OR "behavioral counseling":ti OR "program champion*":ti OR "community health":ti OR "health coaching":ti OR "motivational interviewing":ti OR "group counseling":ti OR "primary prevention":ti OR "self-management":ti OR "disease management":ti OR ("weight management":ti AND 'obesity management'/mj) OR "health coach":ti OR "behavior modification":ti) AND ("weight loss outcome*":ti OR "weight change":ti OR "weight reduction outcome*":ti OR "weight management outcome*":ti OR (("BMI":ti OR "body mass index":ti) AND 'body mass'/mj) OR ("weight loss":ti AND 'body weight loss'/mj) OR "weight reduction":ti) AND [english]/lim AND [embase]/lim AND [2012-2022]/py #2 #1 NOT (Comment*:ti OR [editorial]/lim OR [letter]/lim) #3 #2 NOT (((teen*:ti OR youth*:ti OR adolescen*:ti OR child*:ti) NOT (adult:ti OR adults:ti)) OR (('adolescent'/exp OR 'child'/exp) NOT 'adult'/exp)) |
| |
CINAHL | S1 (TI ("hypertension" OR "blood pressure" OR "pre-hypertension" OR "uncontrolled blood pressure" OR "controlled blood pressure" OR "exercise" OR "physical activity" OR "aerobic fitness" OR "sedentary" OR "healthy diet" OR "nutrition" OR "healthy weight" OR "weight management" OR "diabetes" OR "manage" OR "prevent" OR "monitor" OR "health behavior" OR "self-monitoring" OR "blood pressure self-management" OR "prediabetes" OR "muscle strengthening" OR "healthy eating" OR "pre-diabetes" OR "overweight") OR (MM "Obesity" AND TI "obesity")) AND (TI ("lifestyle change*" OR "life style change*" OR "National Diabetes Prevention Program*" OR "Diabetes Prevention Program*" OR "lifestyle modification*" OR "life style modification*" OR "lifestyle intervention*" OR "life style intervention*" OR "diabetes prevention" OR "diabetes risk reduction" OR "health promotion" OR "health program*" OR "health intervention*" OR "weight reduction program*" OR "weight loss intervention*" OR "weight loss program*" OR "weight control" OR "obesity management" OR "obesity prevention" OR "obesity control" OR "overweight management" OR "overweight prevention" OR "overweight control" OR "physical activity program*" OR "physical activity intervention*" OR "exercise program*" OR "exercise intervention*" OR "nutrition program*" OR "nutrition intervention*" OR intervention* OR "lifestyle program*" OR program* OR "YMCA" OR "behavioral lifestyle intervention*" OR "group session*" OR "goal setting" OR "behavioral counseling" OR "program champion*" OR "community health" OR "health coaching" OR "motivational interviewing" OR "group counseling" OR "primary prevention" OR "self-management" OR "disease management" OR "health coach" OR "behavior modification") OR (MM "Weight Control" AND TI "weight management")) AND (TI ("weight loss outcome*" OR "weight change" OR "weight reduction outcome*" OR "weight management outcome*") OR (MM "Body Mass Index" AND (TI "BMI" OR TI "body mass index")) OR (MM "Weight Loss" AND TI "weight loss") OR TI "weight reduction" OR AB ("weight loss outcome*" OR "weight change" OR "weight reduction outcome*" OR "weight management outcome*")) Limiters - Published Date: 20120101-20221231; English Language; Peer Reviewed; Exclude MEDLINE records S2 S1 NOT (ZT "commentary" OR ZT "editorial" OR ZT "letter" OR ZT "letter to the editor") Limiters - Published Date: 20120101-20221231; English Language; Peer Reviewed; Exclude MEDLINE records 188 S3 S2 NOT (((TI teen* OR TI youth* OR TI adolescen* OR TI child*) NOT (TI adult OR TI adults)) OR ((ZG "adolescent: 13-18 years" OR ZG "child, preschool: 2-5 years" OR ZG "child: 6-12 years" OR ZG "infant: 1-23 months") NOT (ZG "adult: 19-44 years" OR ZG "aged, 80 & over" OR ZG "aged: 65+ years" OR ZG "middle aged: 45-64 years"))) Limiters - Published Date: 20120101-20221231; English Language; Peer Reviewed; Exclude MEDLINE records |
| |
Cochrane Library | #1 ("hypertension" OR "blood pressure" OR "pre-hypertension" OR "uncontrolled blood pressure" OR "controlled blood pressure" OR "exercise" OR "physical activity" OR "aerobic fitness" OR "sedentary" OR "healthy diet" OR "nutrition" OR "healthy weight" OR "weight management" OR "diabetes" OR "manage" OR "prevent" OR "monitor" OR "health behavior" OR "self-monitoring" OR "blood pressure self-management" OR "prediabetes" OR "muscle strengthening" OR "healthy eating" OR "pre-diabetes"):ti OR ([mh obesity[mj]] AND ("obesity"):ti) OR ([mh overweight[mj]] AND ("overweight"):ti) #2 (lifestyle NEXT change* OR "life style" NEXT change* OR "National Diabetes Prevention" NEXT Program* OR "Diabetes Prevention" NEXT Program* OR lifestyle NEXT modification* OR "life style" NEXT modification* OR lifestyle NEXT intervention* OR "life style" NEXT intervention* OR "diabetes prevention" OR "diabetes risk reduction" OR "health promotion" OR health NEXT program* OR health NEXT intervention* OR "weight reduction" NEXT program* OR "weight loss" NEXT intervention* OR "weight loss" NEXT program* OR "weight control" OR "obesity management" OR "obesity prevention" OR "obesity control" OR "overweight management" OR "overweight prevention" OR "overweight control" OR "physical activity" NEXT program* OR "physical activity" NEXT intervention* OR exercise NEXT program* OR exercise NEXT intervention* OR nutrition NEXT program* OR nutrition NEXT intervention* OR intervention* OR lifestyle NEXT program* OR program* OR "YMCA" OR "behavioral lifestyle" NEXT intervention* OR group NEXT session* OR "goal setting" OR "behavioral counseling" OR program NEXT champion* OR "community health" OR "health coaching" OR "motivational interviewing" OR "group counseling" OR "primary prevention" OR "self-management" OR "disease management" OR "health coach" OR "behavior modification"):ti OR ([mh "obesity management"[mj]] AND ("weight management"):ti) #3 ("weight loss" NEXT outcome* OR "weight change" OR "weight reduction" NEXT outcome* OR "weight management" NEXT outcome* OR "weight reduction" OR "BMI" OR "body mass index"):ti OR (("weight loss"):ti AND [mh "Weight Loss"]) #4 (comment* OR letter OR editorial): #5 ((teen* OR youth* OR adolescen* OR child*):ti NOT (adult OR adults):ti) OR (([mh Adolescent] OR [mh Child] OR [mh Infant]) NOT [mh Adult]) #6 (#1 AND #2 AND #3) NOT (#4 OR #5) with Cochrane Library publication date from Jan 2012 to Dec 2022 with Publication Year from 2012 to 2022 |
This search strategy was initially developed as part of a broader systematic review.