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[Preprint]. 2024 Mar 25:2024.03.23.586361. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.03.23.586361

Table 2.

Antibodies used in study

Antibody target Company and catalog # Dilution Isotype Protein type/Expected localization Immunogen
PAX7 DSHB (PAX7) 1:5–1:10 Mouse IgG1 TF/Nucleus Amino acids 418–427
SNAI2 Cell signaling, mAb9585 1:200 Rabbit IgG TF/Nucleus Recombinant human Slug protein
SOX9 Millipore Sigma, AB5535 1:500 Rabbit IgG TF/Nucleus Epitope: C-terminal KLH-conjugated linear peptide corresponding to the C-terminal sequence of human Sox9
ECAD BD Transduction Laboratories 61081 1:500 Mouse IgG2a Cell adhesion/Membrane Amino acids 735–883
NCAD DSHB (NCAD), MNCD2 1:5 Rat IgG1 Cell adhesion/Membrane Chicken N-cadherin
TUBA4A Sigma, T6199 1:250 Mouse IgG1 Cytoskeleton/Cytosol C-terminal end of the α-tubulin isoform (amino acids 426–430)
TUBB2A Abnova, H00007280-M03 1:250 Mouse IgG2a Cytoskeleton/Cytosol TUBB2A (full-length recombinant protein with GST tag
TUBB3 R&D Systems, MAB1195 1:250 Mouse IgG2a Cytoskeleton/Cytosol Rat brain-derived microtubules