Extended Data Figure 3. Vascular cell subtype identification and proportion analysis.
a. UMAP showing all vascular cells colored by Seurat clustering. b. Heatmap depicting vascular cell marker expression. c. Heatmap depicting Jaccard scoring of vascular cell Seurat cluster DEGs compared to Sun and Akay et al. vascular subtype DEGs **, p<0.01, ***, p<0.001. d. Bar plots depicting pathological group proportions of vascular subtypes, bar represents mean, error bar represents standard error of the mean, dots represent individual samples. Statistical analysis performed by ANOVA with Bonferroni correction. e. Heatmap depicting Jaccard scoring of vascular cell subtype DEGs compared to Sun and Akay et al. vascular subtype DEGs **, p<0.01, ***, p<0.001. f. Scatter plot of fibroblast proportion or Cap2 proportion compared to years of football play from snRNAseq dataset, colored by pathological group status. Statistical analysis performed by linear regression with age as a covariate. g, h. Bar plots of total capillary and relative endothelial cell subtype distribution across control and RHI-exposed samples, dots represent individual donors and are colored by pathological group identity. Bar indicates mean, error bars indicate standard error of the mean. Statistical analysis was performed by two sided Mann-Whitney U test. i. GO enrichment analysis of DEGs from depicted comparisons.