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[Preprint]. 2024 Mar 31:2024.03.29.586899. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.03.29.586899

Figure 5. Shorter ray length is remembered through multiple regeneration cycles.

Figure 5.

(A) Intact fin. (B-D) Regenerating fin after distal-to-proximal transplantation: (B) 28 days post first amputation, (C) 28 days post second amputation, (C) 28 days post third amputation. Green asterisk, dist-to-prox; purple asterisk, ventral ray. Black dashed line, most recent amputation. Grey dashed lines, previous amputation planes. Boxplots showing the total length standardized by SL after (E) first, (F) second, and (G) third regeneration. Ray length was measured from the most recent amputation plane. Significance determined by paired Welch two-sample t test. Scale bar, 2 mm.