A) Average response during closed loop locomotion onsets (top) and open loop locomotion onsets (bottom) in
Emx1-Cre mice that expressed GCaMP6 in excitatory cortical neurons. Mean (lines) and 90% confidence interval (shading) are calculated as a hierarchical bootstrap estimate for each time bin (see Methods and
Supplementary file 1). Heatmaps are scaled to the y-axis limits of the plot above (blue low, red high). (
B) As in A, but for
Cux2-CreERT2 × Ai148 mice that expressed GCaMP6 in upper layer excitatory neurons. (
C) As in A, but for
Scnn1a-Cre × Ai148 mice that expressed GCaMP6 in L4 excitatory. (
D) As in A, but for
Tlx3-Cre × Ai148 mice that expressed GCaMP6 specifically in L5 IT neurons. Data are the same as in
Figure 1I and K. (
E) As in A, but for
Ntsr1-Cre × Ai148 mice that expressed GCaMP6 in excitatory L6 neurons. (
F) As in A, but for C57BL/6 mice that expressed GCaMP brain wide. Data are the same as in
Figure 1F and G. (
G) As in A, but for
PV-Cre × Ai148 mice that expressed GCaMP6 in PV neurons. (
H) As in A, but for
VIP-Cre × Ai148 mice that expressed GCaMP6 in VIP neurons. (
I) As in A, but for
SST-Cre mice that expressed GCaMP6 in SST neurons. (
J) Similarity of the average closed and open loop locomotion onset responses in V1 quantified as the correlation coefficient between the two in a window –5 s to +3 s around locomotion onset (left and right V1 were averaged, see Methods). Error bars indicate SEM over mice that had an average locomotion onset response of at least 1% ΔF/F in either the closed or the open loop condition (open circles: individual data points; 6 C57BL/6 mice, 4
Emx1-Cre mice, 7
Scnn1a-Cre mice, 14
Tlx3-Cre mice, 3
Ntsr1-Cre mice, 2
PV-Cre mice, 6
VIP-Cre mice, 6
SST-Cre mice, 3
Cux2-CreERT2 mice). Statistical comparisons are against the
Tlx3 data and were corrected for family-wise error rate (see Methods and
Supplementary file 1): adjusted significance thresholds, n.s.: not significant, *: p<0.05/9, **: p<0.01/9, ***: p<0.001/9.