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. 2024 Apr 5;12(4):e2428. doi: 10.1002/mgg3.2428


Effect ADHD on ASD outcome in NF1.

ADHD instrument ASD instrument Reported relationship between ADHD and ASD Authors and year
  • Equal ADHD symptoms in NF1+ASD, NF1+bASd, and NF1 without ASD

Garg, Green, et al. (2013)
  • Using SRS cut‐off ≥60: 40.3% ASD+ADHD and 18.2% ASD without ADHD

  • Using SRS cut‐off ≥76: 25% ASD+ADHD and 4.8% ASD without ADHD

Garg, Lehtonen, et al. (2013)
VADPRS/taking stimulant medication SRS
  • In NF1+ADHD significantly more often total T score, social cognition, and social communication >60 than in NF1‐ASD

Walsh et al. (2013)
Conners‐3, CAARS SRS
  • Moderate positive correlation between SRS total T score and ADHD measures, but different distribution

Constantino et al. (2015)
  • Moderate positive correlation between SRS total T score and ADHD measures, but different distribution and sex ratio

Morris et al. (2016) a
  • Using SRS cut‐off ≥76: 18.9% ASD+ADHD and 1.8% ASD without ADHD

Hirabaru and Matsuo (2018)
CADS, Conners‐3 SRS, SSIS
  • Moderate positive correlation between SRS total T score and both Inattention and Hyperactivity/impulsivity

Payne et al. (2020)
  • Significant positive correlation between SRS and CBCL ADHD subscale

  • 30% of SRS difference between NF1 and TD accounted for by CBCL ADHD

  • In the regression model CBCL ADHD, CBCL Internalizing, and Vineland Communication significant predictors of SRS score, but not NF1/TD group status

Morotti et al. (2021)
CPRS, Conners‐3 SSRS, SSIS
  • Hyperactivity and inattention in early childhood negatively correlated with social skills in early childhood

  • Both inattention in early childhood and hyperactivity and inattention at school age negatively correlated with social skills at school age

Glad et al. (2021)
CADS, Conners‐3 SRS, ADOS‐2, ADI‐R
  • Both hyperactivity/impulsivity and inattention weak to moderately positively correlated with SRS total T scores

  • Hyperactivity/impulsivity weakly positively correlated with ADI‐R scores

  • No correlations between ADHD symptoms and ADOS‐2 scores

Chisholm et al. (2022)
  • All participants screening positive on the SCQ had a diagnosis of ADHD

Cohen et al. (2022)
  • Higher hyperactivity/inattention predictive of both lower social competence and lower empathy

Foy et al. (2022)
CADS, Conners‐3 SSIS
  • Moderate to strong intercorrelations between social skills, ADHD symptoms, and executive functions

  • ADHD symptoms mediate the relationship between executive functions and social skills

Haebich et al. (2022)

Abbreviations: ADHD‐RS4, ADHD Rating Scale 4; ADI‐R, Autism Diagnostic Interview‐Revised; ADOS‐G, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule‐Generic; CAARS, Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scale; CADS, Conners ADHD/DSM‐IV Scales; CBCL, Child Behavior Checklist; Conners‐3, Conners parent report form; third edition; CPRS‐R, Conners Parent Rating Scale–Revised; CTRS‐R, Conners Teacher Rating Scale‐Revised; NF1+ASD, only NF1 participants preselected on ASD; NF1+bASD, only NF1 participants preselected on broader ASD, excluding ASD itself; NF1‐ASD, only NF1 participants without ASD; SDQ, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; SRS, Social Responsiveness Scale; TD, Typically developing; VABS‐II, Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales‐2nd edition; VADPRS, Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Parent Rating Scale.


Pooled original data with those from Garg, Lehtonen, et al. (2013)39, Walsh et al. (2013)31, Adviento et al. (2014)25, Constantino et al. (2015)27, and Plasschaert et al. (2015)10.