Indicator of the information status of invasive alien species and their impacts. (a) Values of the indicator expressed as the average of the three information sub-indicators (shown in panel (b)), ranging from 0 (no evidence) to 100% (complete evidence), to be interpreted alongside the inset showing the information burden (number of known alien amphibian species) per country. Countries in white have no reported amphibian IAS, and grey countries have no data to calculate the indicator. (b) The completeness of information on invasive alien amphibians disaggregated by sub-indicator: Im, percentage of IAS with national-level evidence of impact; In, percentage of these species for which introduction date is available; Rd, point size represents the percentage of species for which at least 10 occurrence records per five year period (1970–2019) are available. Each point is a country and selected country names are shown as examples and highlighted in black outline. Colours show the IPBES Region of the country.