The preparation process of semiconducting polymer dots (Pdots), the mechanisms used in analysis and detection, and representative applications. Upper Left). Schematic diagrams of two common preparation processes. Left Lower). The inherent mechanism applied to substrate detection and analysis. Upper Right). Schematic diagram of electrochemical detection, ICTS and anti-counterfeiting stamp. Middle Part). Special preparation process. Right Lower). Schematic diagram of substrate detection based on energy transfer and heterojunction. Abbreviations: AIE, Aggregation-Induced Emission; AIQ, Aggregation-Induced Quenching; BRET, bioluminescence resonance energy transfer; CET, cascade energy transfer; CRET, chemiluminescence resonance energy transfer; CFRET, competitive fluorescence resonance energy transfer; CV, cyclic voltammetry; D–A: donor-(single or multiple) energy transfer unit (ETU)-accepter; DPV, differential pulsed voltammetry; ECL, electrochemiluminescence; ERET, electrochemiluminescence resonance energy transfer; FRET, Förster/fluorescence resonance energy transfer; ET, energy transfer; ICTS, fluorometric immunochromatographic test strips; NRC, nanoreactors; PEC, photoelectrochemical; TCL, thermo-chemiluminescence.