MM formation induced by crocidolite or chrysotile asbestos in mice with germline Bap1 heterozygous mutation. MM formation induced by minimal exposure to crocidolite (A and B). A,Bap1+/− and Bap1+/+ (WT) littermates injected with a total of 0.8 mg of crocidolite fibers. Left, Kaplan–Meier curves depicting survivals in Bap1+/− and Bap1+/+ groups. Right, Summary of MM incidence and median survival times. B, Results for Bap1+/− and Bap1+/+ mice injected with a total of 0.1 mg of crocidolite. Left, Kaplan–Meier curves. Right, Summary of MM incidence and median survival times. MM formation induced by high (C) and minimal (D) exposure to chrysotile. C,Bap1+/− and Bap1+/+ mice were injected with a total of 3.2 mg of chrysotile. Left, Kaplan–Meier survival curves. Right, MM incidence and median survival times. D,Bap1+/− and Bap1+/+ mice injected with a total of 0.4 mg/mouse of crocidolite. Left, Kaplan–Meier curves. Right, MM incidence and median survival times. For all Kaplan–Meier survival curves, deaths due to all causes are included. Some mice (especially WT animals) succumbed because of adhesion-related intestinal obstructions and/or liver fibrosis.