Table 1.
History of Preclinical Studies on Cyclophosphamide-Induced Tolerance
Cy prolongs allogeneic skin graft survival in mice | Reference 8 |
Cy most effective agent in preventing Ab production in mice | Reference 5 |
Confirmation that Cy can prevent Ab production in mice | Reference 6 |
Cy prolongs allogeneic skin graft survival in rats | Reference 7 |
PTCy limits GVHD in mice | Reference 13 |
PTCy limits GVHD in mice, but is most effective at high doses | Reference 18 |
Confirmation that PTCy can limit GVHD in mice | Reference 20 |
Both allogeneic antigens and stem cells are needed for Cy-induced skin allograft tolerance in mice | Reference 10 |
Cy prolongs survival of allogeneic heart grafts in mice | Reference 11 |
CsA interferes with allogeneic skin graft survival in mice | Reference 12 |
PTCy allows haplo BMT after nonmyeloablative conditioning in mice | Reference 25 |
Cy – cyclophosphamide, PTCy – post-transplant cyclophosphamide, Ab – antibody, GVHD – graft-vs-host disease, CsA – cyclosporine, haplo – haploidentical, BMT – blood or marrow transplantation