Fig. 2.
DNA methylation aging is altered in schizophrenia independent from illness duration. Presented are results visualizing DNAm aging in SCZ for each clock: Hannum (left), Horvath (middle), and Levine (right). Cases are shown in blue and controls in black. A Correlation between DNAm age and chronological age. The Pearson’s correlation estimates and corresponding p-values are shown in the bottom corner. B Boxplots of Δage between cases and controls. β represents the mean change in Δage in cases compared to controls. C Relationship between Δage and illness duration with a regression line fitted. Illness duration was adjusted for cohort, age, and sex and the residuals plotted. β represents the change in Δage in cases per year of chronological age compared to controls. In (B–C), the meta-analytic coefficients and p-values are shown. All P-values are adjusted for multiple testing across clocks (n = 3)